Literature Review Searching: Finding & Organizing Info
March 28, 11:00am - 12:30pmMānoa Campus, Hamilton Library

This is an in-person workshop. Limited in-person seats are available. If the UH Library is able to reserve a space for you, you will be emailed details prior to the event on requirements in order to attend. This workshop will cover how to effectively and efficiently search for information needed for conducting literature reviews. Lit reviews are an essential part of many aspects of graduate school, from coursework to dissertations to publications. Learn where and how to search for the literature you need to create a comprehensive and systematic literature review, and how this process differs between the sciences and humanities. This workshop is co-sponsored by the UH Mānoa Hamilton Library. For questions about topics covered, please email
Ticket Information
Event Sponsor
Graduate Division, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Tuesday, March 28 |
9:30am |
Mechanical Engineering Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Holmes Hall 247
11:00am |
Literature Review Searching: Finding & Organizing Info Mānoa Campus, Hamilton Library
11:00am |
East Asian Languages and Literature Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Zoom (virtual meeting), Zoom ID: 929 1002 7982/Passcode: eall
12:00pm |
Civil Engineering Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Holmes Hall room 287
12:30pm |
Beginning vocal technique for Javanese gamelan (free workshop) Mānoa Campus, Music Department room 113 (gamelan room)
2:30pm |
Molecular Biosciences & Bioengineering Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Sullivan Conf. Center, UH Cancer Center, Zoom Meeting ID: 972 387 8843 Passcode: uhcc
3:30pm |
Public Talk: Dr. Brent White, Finalist for Asst Provost, Global Engagement Mānoa Campus, Hamilton Library Room 306