Teaching Media and Information Literacy: What We Have Learned

March 24, 4:00pm - 5:00pm
West Oʻahu Campus, Zoom Add to Calendar

Speakers: Members of the University of Hawaiʻi Libraries Information Literacy Committee. Join this group discussion where we will offer strategies we’ve used to teach media and information literacy, what has worked and what didn’t go so well, tools we’ve found helpful, and new tactics we’re interested in trying. Audience members will have opportunities to share their ideas and experiences. The University of Hawaiʻi Libraries Information Literacy Committee (UHLILC) provides a formal, independent voice and organization through which librarian faculty of the University of Hawaiʻi system can participate in the determination and development of library-wide information literacy policies and promote and improve coordination, communication, and understanding on information literacy issues and projects. To see a list of members, go here: https://www.hawaii.edu/infolit/membership/. This event is being offered via Zoom (zoom.us) and registration is required by visiting this link: https://hawaii.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIqduGoqDwvG9cmgZ5fZ2BBvnWe9eeHsPUW or by clicking the link below.

Ticket Information

Event Sponsor
Misinformation Week Series at James & Abigail Campbell Library https://go.hawaii.edu/Egk, West Oʻahu Campus

More Information
Meera Garud, 808-956-5807, meera@hawaii.edu, https://hawaii.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIqduGoqDwvG9cmgZ5fZ2BBvnWe9eeHsPUW

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