Hit Record: Creating Audio Files for the Classroom and Beyond

February 23, 1:30pm - 2:15pm
Mānoa Campus, Kuykendall 106 Add to Calendar

Tech Thursdays is a beginner's series of five-50 minute clinics covering a variety of technology related tools for the classroom and other professional uses.

In this beginner's clinic, we cover the basics of creating and editing audio files and briefly discuss some of the ways you can use these recordings in your courses.

Presented by:
Candi Steiner
Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE)

Thursday, February 23, 2017, 1:30pm-2:20pm

Kuykendall 106 Events Room


*To fully participate, attendees will need to bring headphones and a laptop with Audacity music editing software installed (www.audacityteam.org). Limited laptops will be available for sharing (see registration for laptop).

Event Sponsor
Center for Teaching Excellence, Mānoa Campus

More Information
956-6978, cte@hawaii.edu, http://www.cte.hawaii.edu

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