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In Posada's Mexico singers wandered from village to village where the people gathered in the squares and marketplaces to listen with pleasure to the songs of the musicians. The "corridos" glorified valientes (brave men), "bandidos", and "toreros" (bullfighters), and lamented the plight and celebrated the joys of ordinary men and women. The songs expressed inner desires and warned of hidden powers of the opposite sex. They were used to disseminate news of national importance and to gain adherents to causes opposed to the prevailing social order.

The musician received rewards for his performance and, as the villagers learned the tunes, he sold broadsides that featured the lyrics of his songs. Posada's illustrations enhanced the presentations and encouraged the sale of the leaflets.

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Porfiriato -- Hojas Religiosas -- Calaveras -- Sensational Crimes -- Disasters -- Corridos -- Games and Popular Literature