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The Honolulu Community College Campus conducted a Waste Audit in the Fall of 2018. 

Audit Results

Total Waste Audited by Weight: 1,332.12 lbs

Top 3 Categories by Weight

  1. Paper (Cardboard, Paper Take-out Containers, Recyclable and Nonrecyclable Paper, Paper Towels): 538.07 lbs
  2. Green Waste and Food Waste: 272.22 lbs
  3. Plastic (Film Plastic, Plastic Bags, Plastic Containers, H1-5 and Non-Hi-5 Recyclable Plastic Containers, Food Wrappers, Styrofoam, Other Plastic): 238.545 lbs

Total Waste Audited by Volume: 6,160.36 gal

Top 3 Categories by Volume: 

  1. Paper (Cardboard, Paper Take-out Containers, Recyclable and Nonrecyclable Paper, Paper Towels): 2,485.60 gal
  2. Plastic (Food wrappers, Food Containers, Styrofoam, HI-5 and Non-HI-5 Recyclable Plastic Containers, Other Plastic): 2,069.80 gal
  3. Takeout Containers and Plastic (Plastic to-go cups, Wax Paper cups, Compostable Take-out, Disposable Utensils, Straws): 761.55 gal

HonCC Waste Summary By Weight (lbs.)

HonCC Waste Summary By Volume (gal.)

Recommendations and Follow Up Actions

Top 3 Suggested Interventions

  1. Reduction of Paper Towels: Installing hand dryers, encouraging the use of personal cloth hand towels
  2. Reduction of Plastic and Take-out Containers: Phasing out of single-use plastics or using more sustainable alternatives
  3. Composting: Food and Green Waste, napkins

Resources and Contacts

Project Leads/Contacts:

Michelle Nathan, Faculty and Sustainability Club Advisor (2019)
(808) 844-2316

Hsin-I Tong, Faculty and Sustainability Club Advisor (2019)
(808) 845-9260

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