Activities for the year 2001


Director, James A. Dator

Phone: 1-808-956-6601

Email: dator@hawaii.edu


Research Assistant, Mark Nickum

Phone: 1-808-956-2888

Fax: 1-808-956-2889

Email: nickum@hawaii.edu


2424 Maile Way, Room 720

University of Hawai’i at Manoa

Honolulu, Hawai’i 96822 USA







The story of the Hawai'i Research Center for Futures Studies (HRCFS) is one of impressive contributions from very limited resources. The HRCFS was established by the Hawai‘i State Legislature in 1971 to collect and disseminate information about futures studies and to do futures research for public and private groups within the State, the region, and throughout the world (Chapter 222).


Locally, since that time, the HRCFS, located within the Social Science Research Institute (SSRI) of the University of Hawai’i at Manoa, has proven to be an invaluable resource. It has provided futures-oriented information and conducted workshops for almost all State and City agencies as well as for many commercial and nonprofit local groups throughout the State.


The HRCFS also works closely with the Alternative Futures Graduate program within the University of Hawai‘i’s Department of Political Science.  That program, created in 1977, has produced scores of women and men who have gone on to become professional futures consultants in many fields, locally, nationally, and worldwide.  One component of the Graduate program is a paid internship that many students experience either with the HRCFS or with the Institute for Alternative Futures (IAF), in Alexandria, Virginia, one of the oldest and most respected futures consulting firms in the world.  The HRCFS also cooperates with the Program in Public Administration, and other SSRI and University units on applied futures-oriented projects especially in global change and environmental management in Hawai’i and throughout the Pacific Island region.


Nationally, the HRCFS has itself become a major futures resource. For one example, the HRCFS was responsible, with IAF, for creating the concept and reality of “judicial foresight"--incorporating futures studies into judicial administrative decision-making.  This began with work done by the HRCFS with the Hawai‘i State Judiciary from the 1970s onward.  Subsequently, the HRCFS has engaged in judicial foresight activities indirectly with all, and directly with ten, other U.S. state judiciaries, as well as with the U. S. federal judiciary, many national and state bar associations, and more recently with several foreign judiciaries, primarily in the Asia-Pacific.  The State Justice Institute, a U.S. federal agency for state judiciaries, made the category “Futures and the Courts” one of its major funding categories specifically because of work done with and through the HRCFS and the IAF. The HRCFS has also consulted with many other governmental units, universities, businesses, religious organizations, and nonprofit entities throughout North America.


Globally, the World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF), the premier world organization of groups and individuals conducting futures research at a professional level, chose the Center to house the WFSF Secretariat during the 1980s and early 90s, and awarded the HRCFS its highest honor for excellence in futures research in 1994.


The Center has been an Affiliate Campus of the International Space University (ISU) of Strasbourg, France since 1996. As such, UH faculty and students have participated in the Masters in Space Studies (MSS) program at the main campus in Strasbourg and the Summer Session Program (SSP) which is held in different locations around the world (most recently, University of Bremen, Germany; Federico Santa Maria Technical University, Chile; and Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand).

Similarly, ISU MSS students come to the University of Hawai'i campus each year for their Placement Program. HRCFS and ISU also cooperate in various research and training projects.



Current research projects and proposals:


--Conference on "Globalization, Public Institutions and Fairness", Sponsored by the Hawai'i Research Center for Futures Studies and the Public Administration Program, in cooperation with the Center for Korean Studies, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, and the World Academy of Art and Science. Funded by the Globalization Research Center and the State's Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism.

Originally planned for Hawai'i September 20-22, 2001, but postponed until January 5-9, 2002

See <www.fairglobe.hawii.edu>


--Environmental Protection Agency Grant Number: 2001-STAR-K2 "Assessing Future Teleportation Technologies" (pending)


--"Initiatives in the New Economy," in cooperation with the Space Policy Program, McGill University, Montreal, Canada (pending)


--"Environmental Scanning," Conducted every two years for the Office of Planning, Judiciary, State of Virginia, 1994-2000. Next scan anticipated in 2002.



Visiting faculty and students


During March, the Center hosted Dr. Kaoru Yamaguchi, Professor, and Associate Dean, Graduate School of Management, Nagoya Sangyo University, while he researched and wrote an article on systems theory in futures research


International Space University student placements:


1999-Laurance Higgs (UK)

2000--Jonathan Ricketson (Australia)

2001--Sandra Janosik (Canada) (interned with Tom McCord, Hawai'i Institute of Geology and Planetology).



Public lectures at UHM sponsored by the HRCFS:


February 1, "The social psychology of small groups in space" by Prof. Sheryl Bishop, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas


March 21, "Futures and Labor Unions" by Prof. Arthur Shostak, Drexel University, Pennsylvania


September 13, "Futures studies at Rand" by Michael Scheiern, Instructor, Security Studies, Rand Graduate School, California


September 14, "Improving methods of futures research" by Kaipo Lum, Director of futures research, Hawai'i Medical Service Association


October 19, "Red Sun as an example of writing futures scenarios" by the authors of Red Sun, Rick Ziegler and Patrick Patterson, Professors of History, Honolulu Community College


November 2, "Futures of intellectual property law," by Deborah Halbert, Professor of Political Science, Otterbein College, Ohio.



Recent books and monographs


Jim Dator, ed., Advancing Futures: Futures Studies in Higher Education. Wesport, CT: Praeger, Forthcoming 2002


Jim Dator, et al., Hawai'i 2000: Past, Present and Futures. Prepared for the Office of Planning, Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, State of Hawai'i, December 1999


Tae-Chang Kim and Jim Dator, eds., Co-Creating a Public Philosophy for Future Generations. London: Adamantine Press, 1999 (From a conference held in Honolulu, sponsored by the HRCFS, and funded by the Future Generations Alliance of Kyoto, Japan)


Jim Dator, ed., "Futures Studies in Higher Education," Entire Issue, Vol, 42, No. 3, American Behavioral Scientist. November/December 1998



Recent journal publications


(With Jerome Glenn and Theodore Gordon), "Closing the deal: How to make organizations act on futures research. Foresight, Vol. 3, No.3, June 2001, 177-189


"The last supper of the dinosaurs: Futures of shopping malls," Journal of Futures Studies, Vol. 5, No. 4, May 2001, 93-110.


Jim Dator, “Judicial governance of the Long Blur,” Futures, Vol. 33, No. 1, January 2001


Jim Dator, "When courts are overgrown with grass: Futures of courts and law," Futures. Vol. 32, No. 1 February 2000


Jim Dator, et al., "2000 and counting: Looking ahead, in 1970 and 2000," Honolulu Advertiser, January 2, 2000, Focus Section, B


Jim Dator, "Eyes on the future: the new university" Malamalama, Vol. 24, No. 1, January-June 2000


Jim Dator, "Bright future for unions?" in Arthur Shostak, CyberUnion. M. E. Sharpe, 1999


Jim Dator, "Return to long waves," Futures, Vol 31, No. 3/4, April/May 1999


Jim Dator, "From tsunamis to long waves and back," Futures, Vol 31, No. 1, February 1999



Recent articles about the HRCFS


John Duchemin, "When tourism falters, there's no backup," Honolulu Advertiser, October 7, 2001, p. G1 ,2


Jade Moon, "Blindly following technology," MidWeek, July 18, 2001, p. 13


Vicki Viotti, "200l: A tech odyssey," Honolulu Advertiser, January 3, 2001, p. E1


Jan TenBruggencate, "Hawaii paddles uncharted course," Honolulu Advertiser, January 3, 2000, p. A1, A6


Jonathan S. Greene, "The Future of the Law School," ABA Student Lawyer, January 2000, pp. 21-27


Burl Burlingame, "Back to the Future," Honolulu Star-Bulletin, March 15, 1999, C-1, 4


Keiji Oshita interview in Japanese, in East West Journal,  April 15, 1999


Craig DeSilva, "What's Next?" Hawaii Business Magazine, June 1999, p. 63-67


John Griffin, "Past ideas about 2000 shape present," Honolulu Advertiser, October 24, 1999, p. B4


Eloise Aguiar, "Knowledge of the Future," Honolulu Star-Bulletin, December 25, 1999.


Wade Kilohana Shirkey, "Futurists hope Y2K won't end thinking about possibilities," Honolulu Advertiser, December 31, 1999



Workshops and presentations during 2001


International presentations


June 27, "Alternative futures of public service" for the South Australian Division of the Institute of Public Administrators, Hilton Hotel, Adelaide, Australia


June 28, 29, Plenary speech on judicial foresight; panel on judicial ethics. Australian State Judges Conference, Adelaide, Australia


August 10-23, Lectures and workshops on futures studies, governance design, and space ethics. International Space University, Bremen, Germany


August 20, Consultation with Futures Group, Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt, Germany


October 7, "Maintaining confidence in our legal institutions: Future challenges." Asia/Pacific Law Conference 2001, Park Royal Hotel, Christchurch, New Zealand


December 17, 18, Lectures and workshops on futures studies and governance design, MSS 02, International Space University, Strasbourg, France


Presentations on the US mainland


January 19, Plenary Futures Panel, Virginia State Bar Association Convention, Holiday Inn, Williamsburg, Virginia


March 3, "Mars or Bust!" For the Panel on "Socrates in Space" Contact 2001 Biltmore Hotel, Santa Clara, California


May 7, Lectures on Futures Studies for the Public Administration Program, Southern Oregon University, Ashland


May 8, Futures workshop, Oregon Institute of Technology, Klamath Falls


November 3, Meeting of the Executive Council, World Academy of Art and Science, Miyako Hotel, San Francisco


November 13-17, Affiliate Network Conference, Academic Council meeting, and Curriculum Planning Meeting, International Space University, California Polytechnic University, Pomona, California.


Presentations in Hawai'i


January 12, "Hawai'i Legislators as applied futurists," for Representative Hermina Morita and the House Committee on Energy and Environmental Protection, Capitol Building, Room 315


January 16, 17, "Alternative Futures for the United States," Center for Asian-Pacific Exchange, Hemenway Hall, UHM


January 29, "What's left to sell?" Honolulu Association of Realtors, Tree Tops Restaurant, Honolulu


February 18, "Judicial and Legal Foresight," Western Attorney General's Conference, Sheraton Waikiki Hotel


March 29, Futures workshop, class in "Security Policy", Prof. Joan Johnson -Freese, Asia-Pacific Center for Security, Waikiki


April 24, "The end of the expert", class on "Internet Anthropology", Prof. Les Sponsel, UHM


May 1 and 3, Futures modules, Public Administration Course, UHM


May 11, "A simple question to the graduates," Graduation Address, University of Hawai'i, Maui Center


July 10, Discussion of technology and society, Channel 2 TV morning show


July 12, "Transforming Technology," Shunzo Sakamaki Lecture Series on "Science & Technology in the 21st Century", Krauss Hall, UHM


Aug 7, "Alternative futures of the United States, " Center for Asian-Pacific Exchange, Mandarin Room, East West Center


October 15, Consultation with Col. Arthur Morrill, Director of Logistics, and his staff, US Air Force, Hickam Air Force Base


October 29, Judge of designs for Barber's Point, Architectural Design class, Prof. Amy Anderson


November 26, Discussion with Speaker of the Hawai'i House of Representatives, Calvin Say, and House Leadership, about Hawai'i's economic futures. Capitol Building, Room 431