Board of Regents


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Committee on Community Colleges


(Bylaws of Board of Regents, Article II, Section D)

  1. Periodically review Board policies affecting the community colleges and make recommendations for changes, as necessary, to the Board.
  2. Periodically review the strategic plan, mission statement, and the long range development plan of the respective community colleges for recommendation to the Board.
  3. Periodically review and report to the Board the performance of the respective community colleges in meeting the community college and University of Hawai'i strategic goals and objectives.
  4. Provide oversight and direction to the community colleges on operational and financial performance issues.
  5. Periodically review and report to the Board the status of compliance by the respective community colleges of requirements for academic accreditation.
  6. Provide oversight and direction to the community colleges and four year degree schools to facilitate a seamless transfer of students matriculating between the community colleges and the four year degree schools.
  7. Periodically review the impact of the community colleges upon the workforce in the State of Hawai'i, and, if required, provide oversight and direction to the respective community colleges in addressing the dynamic employment needs and demands of the State.
  8. Provide oversight and direction to the community colleges in providing greater access to higher education throughout the State of Hawai'i, which shall include, but not be limited to, developmental/ remedial education and distance learning instruction.


Administrative Liaison

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