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Roger T. Ames

University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Professor Emeritus of Philosophy Roger T. Ames received the 2019 John Dewey Society (JDS) Outstanding Lifetime Achievement Award for his distinguished career as a scholar-practitioner, working and living in both the Deweyan and Confucian traditions.

The award recognizes a scholar-practitioner who, in the Deweyan tradition, connects the worlds of theory and practice in promoting the development of democratic citizens; or an exceptional explicator and interpreter of Dewey’s philosophy and educational theory.

According to the JDS executive committee, over the course of his career, Ames has inspired many students and colleagues, and it is his gracious spirit, as well as his tireless commitment to fostering intercultural understanding and creative democratic communities beyond cultural and national boundaries that renders him an exemplary role model and interpreter of Dewey’s philosophy.

Ames has also won several international awards, including the 2013 Confucius Culture Prize at the Sixth Annual World Confucian Conference in Shandong, China. He retired from UH in 2016 and is currently the humanities chair professor in the Department of Philosophy at Peking University in Beijing, China.

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