Application Developer Resources

ITS provides the UH developer community with centralized, online resources for Identity and Access Management (IAM). The IAM team is responsible for the maintenance and ongoing development and support of these resources. The IAM team also helps foster a community of UH Developers by hosting several face-to-face, system-wide meetings annually and by hosting an online collaborative forum for community-based questions and answers.

The UH Identity Management System (UHIMS) provides the core functions necessary for offering the developer community IAM resources and services. UHIMS integrates with nearly all of the UH ERP systems in order to provide a comprehensive Person Identity Registry. This registry makes centralized Authentication and Authorization services possible.

Key IAM resources include authentication resources for verifying identity online, authorization resources for determining memberships and permissions, and messaging resources for sharing information. IAM resources enable developers to secure their applications.

More information may be found on the UH wiki:

UHIMS Ecosystem