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Tree form, flower position, seed shape and seed position in the pod vary greatly among populations of koa.

BigIsleFlower.jpg (825922 bytes) KauaiFlower.jpg (476012 bytes) KoaiaFlower.jpg (907942 bytes)
Big Island koa flowers, in axillary position Kaua'i koa flowers, in axillary and terminal positions Koai'a flowers, in terminal position
BigIsleKeiki.jpg (448138 bytes) KauaiKeiki.jpg (449108 bytes) KoaiaKeiki.jpg (467586 bytes)
Big Island Seedling: phyllodes are broad or slightly curved and there is a distinct yellow pubescence on the stems and phyllodes. Kaua'i Seedling: phyllodes are narrow or distinctly curved; stems and true leaves have a distinct red color. Koai'a Seedling: phyllodes are very narrow and slightly curved
BigIsleSeedPod.jpg (290887 bytes) KauaiNorthSeedPod.jpg (183087 bytes) KoaiaSeedPod.jpg (268882 bytes) OahuSeedPod2.jpg (1072181 bytes)
Big Island koa seed, oriented perpendicular to pod suture. Kaua'i koa seed, orientation varies and seeds are round. Koai'a seed, oriented parallel to pod suture. O'ahu seed pod, oriented perpendicular to pod suture.
KoaFormSpreading.jpg (592918 bytes) KoaFormTall.jpg (751462 bytes) KoaiaForm.jpg (521245 bytes) LaupahoehoeKoa.jpg (495328 bytes)
Tall koa with a spreading crown. Note the person in the foreground.

 (Umikoa Ranch, Hawai'i.)

Tall koa with straight trunks. 

(Laupahoehoe, Hawai'i)

Small stature koa with a spreading crown. Note the backpack in the foreground.

(Koai'a Tree Sanctuary, Hawai'i)

Tall koa with a large trunk.

(Laupahoehoe, Hawai'i)


KoaKoaiaAnatomy.jpg (1117542 bytes)

                                                                    (koai'a)     (koa) 


Koa and Koai'a anatomy varies in vessel number and size.

As you can see, koai'a wood is much harder than koa wood!

KoaiaCore.jpg (462056 bytes) KoaCore2.jpg (206969 bytes)

(Pu'uwa'awa'a Ranch, Hawai'i)


(Honomalino, Hawai'i)


Recent wood anatomy sections using more advanced techniques indicate that crystals are prevalent in the parenchyma cells of A.koa as well as A.koaia.

KoaNoCrystals.jpg (530543 bytes) KoaCrystals.jpg (245272 bytes)
Cross section of fresh koa wood Cross secction of koa wood under polarized light

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