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At least 80 species of native vascular and non-vascular plants are associated with Acacia koa.  Some examples are...

Dubautia.jpg (373759 bytes) Hibiscus.jpg (217352 bytes) Ieie.jpg (318719 bytes) Ohia.jpg (406827 bytes)
Dubautia plantaginea 

(Makawao Forest Reserve, Mau'i)

Hibiscus brackenridgei 

(Pu'uwa'awa'a Ranch, Hawai'i)

Freycinetia arborea 

(Aiea Ridge Trail, O'ahu)

Metrosideros polymorphia 

('Ohi'a-lehua HAVO, Hawai'i)

Pandanus.jpg (633517 bytes) Sadleria.jpg (425576 bytes) Scaevola.jpg (512975 bytes)
Pandanus tectorius 

(Kahana Valley, O'ahu)

Sadleria cyantheoides

 (Koke'e, Kaua'i)

Scaevola glabra

(Na Pali Coast, Kaua'i)


Koa serves as a host for numerous native insects.  At least 2000 species of native insects are specific to or favor koa, for example...

KamButterfly.jpg (142506 bytes) KoaBug.jpg (334014 bytes) Plagithmysus.jpg (256431 bytes) UdaraButterfly.jpg (161877 bytes)
Vanessa tamaeamea, Kamehameha Butterfly Coleotichus blackburniae, Koa Bug Plagithmysus varians, a wood borer Udara blackburni, Blackburn's Butterfly


This photo of an Achatinella on a koa phyllode indicates that koa serves as a host for some endemic land snails.

LandSnail.jpg (107799 bytes)
Waianae kai, O'ahu


Most of the remaining native forest birds find refuge in montane koa-'ohi'a-lehua forests relying on koa for nesting habitats and/or for a food source, either directly or indirectly.  Examples include...

Akiapolaau2.jpg (130851 bytes) Alala.jpg (268055 bytes) Amakihi.jpg (353379 bytes) Pueo.jpg (279602 bytes)
'Akiapola'au, dependent on insects associated with koa for its food 'Alala, nests and forages in koa for food 'Amakihi, frequents leafy branches and picks bark of koa searching for insects. Pueo, hunts rodents in open koa forests.
Iiwitif.jpg (376187 bytes) Iotif.jpg (202144 bytes) Parrotbill2.jpg (138984 bytes) KoaBirdDistribution.jpg (180602 bytes)
'I'iwi, insects found on koa serve as a secondary food source. 'Io, searches in koa dryland forest for prey Maui Parrotbill, forages in koa for insects. A map showing the association of koa forest with native forest bird distribution.

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