The program offers a certificate in Philippine Language and Culture.
To earn a certificate in Philippine Language and Culture, a student must take 5 courses from FIL 201 and above. Listed below are courses that are applicable for the minor:
Conversation, advanced reading and composition on traditional culture and indigenous knowledge. Meets three hours weekly.
Pre: FIL 202 or consent
Conversation, advanced reading, and composition on contemporary issues. Meets three hours weekly.
Pre: FIL 202 or consent
Training in comprehension of spoken authentic/simulated authentic materials presented in news broadcasts, songs, documentary narration, formal lectures, radio and television soap operas, etc.
Pre: FIL 202 or consent
Study and analysis of Filipino films: its history, forms, development and relationship to cultural, social, philosophical, and aesthetic context.
Pre: FIL 202 or consent
Advanced reading in traditional literature; discussion of cultural implications; advanced conversation and composition. Meets three hours weekly.
Pre: FIL 302 or consent
Advanced reading in current literature; discussion of cultural implications; advanced conversation and composition. Meets three hours weekly.
Pre: FIL 302 or consent
Techniques of bilingual translation: Filipino to English and English to Filipino. A-F only.
Pre: FIL 302 or consent
Introduction to phonology, morphology, and syntax in the Filipino language(s).
Pre: FIL 202 or consent
Selected readings in poetry, short stories, and plays from early 1900s to present. Co-curricular cultural activities included.
Pre: FIL 302 or consent
Survey of literature from the 80s (1986) to the present. Co-curricular cultural activities included.
Pre: FIL 302 or consent
Third-level study of a South Asian, Southeast Asian, or Pacific language. Contact hours and credits determined by student interests and faculty resources. Repeatable up to six credits.
Pre: At least 6 credits of intermediate study of the same language.
Study of a Pacific, South Asian, or Southeast Asian language through vernacular readings in various academic fields. Repeatable.
Pre: Third-level language course and consent.
Here are some forms to help you in your journey in getting a Certificate in Philippine Language and Literature: