University of Hawaii
Hawaii Dyson Initiative
Community Windshield Assessment



Roads and Highways
Most of the roads in the rural areas are not paved, you notice abandoned vehicles and a home suspected of illegal drug use.  How would you rate the city roads? You wonder if Johnny travels these roads to get to school or your clinic.

While on the bus, you observe dirt roads leading to the highway below:

How would you rate the streets and highways of this community?

Public Utilities
  Lighting occurs near the highway, no lighting on the dirt roads.  How would you assess the community on lighting?

Below are the community water delivery and power plants, both are in Johnny's community.                              

You wonder about water quality and electrical services, and inquire with a passenger sitting next to you.  She says both are fine, although are out of place in the community.  The passenger says they are trying to "restore" the land, and have planted a lo `i kalo (taro patch) next to the power plant.


The city has pick-up twice a week, once a week in rural areas.  How would you rate them?

Police and fire
Both seem to have a presence in the city, and you actually observe police and fire services during your community tour.  You do not see police or fire units while in Johnny's community.  How would you rate these services?

Public Transportation
The bus seems old; however, the driver is friendly.  He says heavy traffic and frequent breakdowns delay service.  You begin to wonder about Johnny, and ask about the rural route.  The driver says it takes about 2 hours to go from the rural area to town during normal business hours.  How would you rate the bus system, will it have any effect on Johnny?

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