University of Hawaii
Integrated Pediatric Residency Program

My Best Medical Home Practice

My Best Medical Home Practice Example
This exercise is meant to help you self-assess your current medical home practice performance.  To complete this exercise you will need to review patient charts and write a self-reflective summary statement describing your best medical home practice example:

I.  Identify at least 3 patients in your clinic that have special health care needs or chronic medical conditions. Review the charts for each of these patients using a separate Chart Review Form  for each patient. Insert completed chart review entries in your Medical Home Portfolio. 

II. Select one patient which represents the best example of your medical home practice performance.  Summarize why your interactions with this patient best exemplify the concept of the medical home. Type your entry into the space provided. Feel free to include in your summary your assessment of areas of strength and areas in need of improvement.  For areas in need of improvement, identify actions which you can take to make yourself a stronger medical home provider in future encounters.   Access the online form here.

III.  Download your summary statement and add this to your Medical Home Portfolio.  You will be reviewing this summary with your clinic preceptor and forwarding your completed portfolio to Dr. Chris Derauf to insert into your resident file.

Complete the post-test on the medical home module.
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Take the post-test

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