RBG Movie Screening-Free
April 15, 4:00pm - 7:00pm
Mānoa Campus, Dean Hall Room 5
Come join us for an inspiring and empowering hour on the biography of RBG and how her work has paved the way for so many women to be able to advance their social, economic, and political opportunities.
Come on by and enjoy watching a movie with us!
Free food will be provided.
Ticket Information
Event Sponsor
Generation Action, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Lucy Miller, (808) 436-6535, genact@hawaii.edu
Monday, April 15
8:00am |
CTAHR Student Research Symposium Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Ballroom & 3rd Floor Rooms
12:00pm |
ORE Seminar: Bioinspired Propulsion and Sensing Systems Enabling NextGen AUVs Mānoa Campus, POST 723
12:00pm |
Ocean and Resources Engineering Seminar: Michael Krieg Mānoa Campus, POST 723
3:00pm |
Climate Change in Cinema: Years of Living Dangerously (Season 2) Mānoa Campus, St. John 011
3:00pm |
Earth Sciences Thesis Defense Mānoa Campus, POST 723
3:30pm |
Bollywood Mondays: 'Lipstick Under My Burkha' (2016) Mānoa Campus, Marine Sciences Building 100
4:00pm |
RBG Movie Screening-Free Mānoa Campus, Dean Hall Room 5
6:00pm |
Security+ Honolulu Campus, 874 Dillinghan Blvd
11:30pm |
Micr 690 Seminar: Brandi Antonio Mānoa Campus, AGSCI 204