APRIL 2018
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Last modified July 23, 2024
The last in-sPACE event of the year will activate your creative juices. This creativity challenge will rack your brain and test your innovative skills. The most outrageous thinkers will walk away with prizes. All players will enjoy a sliders bar while supplies last. The mystery challenge will be revealed at the event, so don't miss out!
Event Sponsor
Pacific Asian Center for Entrepreneurship, Mānoa Campus
More Information
(808) 956-5083, in-sPACE: Creativity (PDF)
Tuesday, April 10 |
10:30am |
Psychology Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Krauss Conference Room 101C
12:00pm |
Center for Chinese Studies Research Seminar Mānoa Campus, Moore Hall 109 (or Hamilton Library 401)
1:30pm |
Averilee Adkins, mezzo-soprano (junior recital) Mānoa Campus, Orvis Auditorium
2:30pm |
Andrew Ching, bassoon (post baccalaureate recital) Mānoa Campus, Orvis Auditorium
2:30pm |
STEM research and STEM education and research: Funding through the NSF Mānoa Campus, Agricultural Science Room 219
3:00pm |
Surrogates--Decision-Making for Incapacitated Adults Mānoa Campus, Law School Moot Court Room
3:00pm |
Sociology Colloquium Series Mānoa Campus, Saunders Hall 244
5:00pm |
in-sPACE: Creativity Mānoa Campus, Shidler College of Business Room E402
6:30pm |
Free Screening: "216 Beach Walk, Waikiki" With Director + Panel Mānoa Campus, Art Building, Room 101
7:30pm |
UH Concert Choir and Chamber Singers Mānoa Campus, Orvis Auditorium