Resume & Cover Letter: Market Yourself on Paper
April 6, 1:30pm - 2:30pm
Mānoa Campus, Queen Liliuokalani Center for Student Services Rm. 212
Yes, you can Google templates for both resumes and cover letters. But how will your resume stand out in a sea of clones? Let us provide examples and tips on developing an effective resume and cover letter to take you to the next step in the application process!
Sign up for this workshop to learn about:
- Organize your information
- Highlight important information on the resume
- Develop descriptions that highlight transferable skills on the resume
- Create a letter to present yourself professionally
- Develop the cover letter’s content
- Address the letter appropriately
To sign-up, go to:
Event Sponsor
MÄnoa Career Center, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Wednesday, April 6
9:00am |
Psychology Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Krauss 101C
10:00am |
Participate In A Campus Art Installation West Oʻahu Campus, UHWO
11:00am |
Walk A Mile In Their Shoes West Oʻahu Campus, Campus Courtyard
12:00pm |
On Slaves, Persons, and Things: The Trouble with ‘Modern Slavery’ Mānoa Campus, Burns 2118
12:30pm |
41st Annual Albert L. Tester Memorial Symposium Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Ballroom
12:30pm |
MUSIC @ART - Lunchtime Concert Mānoa Campus, Art Building, ground floor breezeway by the Galleries
12:30pm |
Library Coffee Hour West Oʻahu Campus, UHWO Library
1:30pm |
Resume & Cover Letter: Market Yourself on Paper Mānoa Campus, Queen Liliuokalani Center for Student Services Rm. 212
2:00pm |
Open Workshop: Organize Your Research: Getting Started with Zotero Mānoa Campus, Hamilton 306
2:00pm |
Library Workshop West Oʻahu Campus, UHWO Library
2:30pm |
International Coffee Hour West Oʻahu Campus, Hawaii Tokai International Coffee - Main Lobby
3:00pm |
Intramural Sports West Oʻahu Campus, Great Lawn
3:30pm |
Atmospheric Sciences Seminar Mānoa Campus, Marine Sciences Building, MSB 100
4:30pm |
Ultimate Frisbee Pick-up on Bachman Lawn Mānoa Campus, Manoa Campus, Bachman Lawn
4:30pm |
The Development and Diffusion of Music Tradition in the Far East Mānoa Campus, Moore 319 (Tokioka Room)
6:00pm |
Shidler Info Session: Distance Learning EMBA & Master of HR PSG Building, 3rd Fl, 11bis Nguyen Gia Thieu St, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam