A TRANS* Pacific Talk Story: A Night of Mahuwahine and Translatina Solidarity
April 5, 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Mānoa Campus, Halau o Haumea, Kamakakuokalani Center for Native Hawaiian Studies
All are invited to a night to celebrate mahuwahine and translatina solidarity spanning the Pacific. How often do we use a critical lens to look at political issues from both an indigenous and transgender perspective? Please join us to take part in a dynamic cross-cultural dialogue about:
Identity. Land. Occupation Colonization. Abuse. Deportation.
Activism. Hope. Community. Love. Advocacy. Justice. Liberation.
Please join us for an interactive talk story session that is sure to include more than talk. We will take action. We will sing. We will challenge our fears. We will seek liberation.
This event is made possible by funding from the Hawai‘i LGBT Legacy Foundation, Lambda Legal, Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki Beach Resort, L&L Hawaiian Barbeque, The Hawai‘i People's Fund, The SEED IDEAS Grant Initiative, Ethnic Studies,and collaboration with Native Hawaiian Student Services, and Kua‘ana Student Services.
Ticket Information
Free and Open to All
Event Sponsor
LGBTQ Center, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Camaron Miyamoto, (808) 956-9250, lgbtq@hawaii.edu