14 Things You Should Know About the Interview
February 18, 1:30pm - 2:30pmMānoa Campus, Queen Liliuokalani Center for Student Services Rm. 208
Planning to wing your next interview? Not being fully prepared for an interview can be the biggest detriment in obtaining your job! Let us provide you the “need to know†understanding of the interview process and tips on how to conduct yourself and respond appropriately.
Sign up for this workshop to learn about:
- Understand the interview in the context of the job search process
- Understanding the selection of appropriate interview attire
- Common questions employers ask and tips on responding to questions effectively
- Behavior-based questions employers ask and how to prep for them
- Questions to ask the employer
- How to end the interview
- Interview follow-up
To sign-up, go to:
Event Sponsor
MÄnoa Career Center, Mānoa Campus
More Information
(808) 956-7007, careers@hawaii.edu, http://manoa.hawaii.edu/careercenter/
Thursday, February 18 |
8:00am |
“New Frontiers in Cell Death Signaling and Heart Failure†John A Burns School of Medicine Medical Education Building Auditorium
9:00am |
FBI Careers Information Table Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Mall
9:30am |
Electrical Engineering Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Holmes 389
9:30am |
'Onipa'a: Legal History of Hawai'i West Oʻahu Campus, UHWO Library, 2nd floor
9:30am |
Electrical Engineering Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Holmes 389
9:30am |
Russia's Asian Connections, I Mānoa Campus, Imin Conference Center, Sarimanok Room
12:00pm |
The Current Surge in Migration from the Middle East and Its Impact on Europe Mānoa Campus, John A. Burns Hall, 1601 East-West Road (corner of Dole St. and East-West Road), Room 3012
1:00pm |
Russia's Asian Connections, II Mānoa Campus, Imin Conference Center, Sarimanok Room
1:30pm |
KuÊ»i Kalo West Oʻahu Campus, Hale KuahuokalÄ in the UHWO Student Organic Garden.
1:30pm |
14 Things You Should Know About the Interview Mānoa Campus, Queen Liliuokalani Center for Student Services Rm. 208
2:00pm |
HoÊ»okani Kulanui West Oʻahu Campus, UHWO Courtyard
3:15pm |
Prof. Naoko Kurahashi-Neilson, (Drexel) Detecting Cosmic Neutrinos with IceCub Mānoa Campus, Watanabe 112
3:30pm |
The Study of Russia from the Center of the Pacific Mānoa Campus, Hamilton 306
3:30pm |
Reception for 25th Anniversary Celebration of the HawCC/UHH Women's Center Hilo Campus, UHH Campus Center, Rm. 301
4:00pm |
Korean Poetry Symposium Mānoa Campus, Center for Korean Studies
5:00pm |
Games Night West Oʻahu Campus, UHWO Student Lounge (C-214)
5:30pm |
Pre-Law Personal Statement & Resume Workshop Mānoa Campus, Webster 203