Physics Colloquium, Dr. Sarah Gilbert (U. British Columbia)

February 4, 3:15pm - 4:45pm
Mānoa Campus, Watanabe 112

Title: Students learning to think like physicists: teaching innovations at the University of British Columbia and the University of Colorado

Abstract: Two Science Education Initiatives were established in 2006-2007, guided by the findings of discipline-based science education research and cognitive psychology. The primary goal was widespread implementation of research-based teaching methods in undergraduate science courses. The University of Colorado initiative involved 6 departments (including Physics) and the University of British Columbia initiative involved 9 (including Physics & Astronomy). Over 200 courses have been substantially changed; the physics changes usually emphasized improving conceptual understanding and scientific reasoning while preserving or improving quantitative problem solving. I will first give a short overview of the initiatives and then discuss a few of the course transformations in physics, ranging from introductory to advanced courses.

Event Sponsor
Physics and Astronomy, Mānoa Campus

More Information
Xerxes Tata, (808) 956-7690,

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