Why Do People Visit Museums?

April 22, 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Mānoa Campus, UHS1-105 College of Education

Join us as Dr. John H. Falk, a leader in visitor studies and an expert in free-choice learning, explores one of the most fundamental questions facing the museum profession -- why do people visit museums? Using the lens of personal well-being and drawing from past and current research, Falk offers a "visitor's eye view" of how the public uses their visits as vehicles for fulfilling their now personal needs and aspirations. To be followed by a Q&A.

Ticket Information

Event Sponsor
American Studies, UH Museum Studies Graduate Certificate Program, Mānoa Campus

More Information
Noelle Kahanu, 956-9957, nmkahanu@hawaii.edu, Falk Flyer (PDF)

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