Exploring the artistic use of marine mammal resources in Aotearoa & Hawai’i
February 12, 12:30pm - 1:45pmMānoa Campus, Moore Hall 319

Peoples across Te Moananui a Kiwa maintain deep connections with the vast open waters that surround our island homelands and also with the children of Tangaroa who inhabit that environment. Stories abound of magnificent whales who guided, ferried and transferred our many peoples between islands. We sing about them, talk about them, write about them and manifest that connection through artistically transformed bones, teeth and other marine mammal materials. However, these culturally significant practices have been restricted by Euro-centric laws impacting access and knowledge sharing. This research aims to identify, interrogate and challenge these constructs which impinge on our ability as tangata o te Moananui a Kiwa, especially Māori and Māoli, to access and utilize these taonga and to live authentic, artistic, indigenous lives. Lunch provided! Register here: https://go.hawaii.edu/bW4
Ticket Information
Free! Register here: https://go.hawaii.edu/bW4
Event Sponsor
Center for Pacific Islands Studies, Department of Asian Studies, AAPI EHEJ, Mānoa Campus
More Information
808-956-0926, msharan@hawaii.edu
Wednesday, February 12 |
10:30am |
SNAP Outreach & Enrollment Clinic Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Courtyard
11:45am |
Tackling the Literature Review Mānoa Campus, Zoom
12:00pm |
Law School Information Session at UH Hilo Hilo Campus, Room TBD (see event link below)
12:30pm |
Breathe & Reset: Mid-week Meditation Break Mānoa Campus, Webster Hall, Room 112: 2528 McCarthy Mall Honolulu, HI 96822
12:30pm |
Exploring the artistic use of marine mammal resources in Aotearoa & Hawai’i Mānoa Campus, Moore Hall 319
1:00pm |
Harnessing Nature Honolulu Campus, Virtual Presentation
2:00pm |
Ho‘oliuliu Series: Fostering Financial Wellness Mānoa Campus, QLCSS 208
3:00pm |
LinkedIn 101 Mānoa Campus, QLCSS 212
3:30pm |
Seminar in Atmospheric Sciences Mānoa Campus, MSB 100 (Marine Sciences Building)
3:30pm |
ORE Seminar: An Acoustic Ray Tracing Optimization Approach for Tomographic ... Mānoa Campus, Holmes Hall 247
4:00pm |
Beyond Collective Action Problems with Atul Pokharel Mānoa Campus, ARCH 205
4:30pm |
Tech Minds Meetup Mānoa Campus, Walter Dods Jr RISE Center
5:30pm |
Law School Information Session in Waimea Mānoa Campus, Thelma Parker Memorial Public and School Library, 67-1209 Mamalahoa Hwy, Kamuela, HI 96743
6:30pm |
Rosalie Abella: Putting Law Back in the Service of Humanity Mānoa Campus, William S Richardson School of Law, Classroom 2