Discovering Conflict---Finding Peace---in Community Stories of WWII
December 6, 10:00am - 11:30amMānoa Campus, Online

Advocacy for Social Justice Talk Story Series--- Explore organized efforts and mechanisms for social change--- "Discovering Conflict---Finding Peace---in Community Stories of WWII" with Dr. Gail Okawa, A. Ka`ōlinokaimana Yasuoka, and moderated by José Barzola --- About Session: --- 83 years have passed since December 7, 1941. How do slogans like “Remember Pearl Harbor” leave out all of the other stories connected to what happened on that date? Even within our own families, unless there was someone who shared the stories about that day, some of the details are being lost; some families are completely unaware that an Issei family member was unjustly incarcerated in US concentration camps. The trauma and shame they experienced led ancestors to take their stories with them. How do oral histories and storytelling uncover these stories of conflict? How does sharing our stories with one another bring forth resolution, closure, peace, or inspiration? Join us as author Gail Okawa shares how a neighbor opened the door to her Issei grandfather’s experience leading to her research decades later. How did Gail’s research lead her to discover/uncover countless other community stories that go beyond “Remember Pearl Harbor? How did storytelling help Alison Ka’ōlinokaimana Yasuoka discover her great grandfather’s, grandmother and grandfather's, mother and aunt’s parts in the story? And how does Alison’s son, a great, great grandchild, become involved in the story? How can these stories help reveal the layered truths of the day and why is this important in helping to tear down the walls of hate, racism, and misunderstanding that may live on to this day?
Event Sponsor
Conflict and Peace Specialist, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Jose Barzola, 8089562690,,
Friday, December 6 |
8:30am |
Virtual Writing Room Mānoa Campus, Online
9:00am |
Campus Blood Drive Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Executive Dining Room
9:30am |
Sociology Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Zoom, Link Below
10:00am |
Discovering Conflict---Finding Peace---in Community Stories of WWII Mānoa Campus, Online
10:30am |
a-MAIZE-ing Science Fair Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Courtyard
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10:30am |
M. Angelo Dissertation Defense Mānoa Campus, Sakami C301
11:00am |
Tokikake Ii, Dissertation Defense Mānoa Campus, Sakamaki Hall, A-201
11:00am |
History Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Sakamaki A201 and Zoom (
1:00pm |
Education Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Kū`ono`ono Room A
2:00pm |
WRRC 2024 Fall Seminar Mānoa Campus, Zoom Meeting
3:00pm |
'Passing, Posing, Persuasion' Book Talk and Launch Mānoa Campus, Center for Korean Studies Auditorium
3:30pm |
Chemistry Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Bilger Hall 335