ORE Seminar: Marine Mammal Research Innovations: Bridging Empirical and [...]

November 20, 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Mānoa Campus, Holmes Hall 243 Add to Calendar

Marine mammal species are key ecological indicators of ocean health. As such, it is important to understand not only their physiology and ecology but also their resilience to natural and anthropogenic stressors. Here we will highlight some of the recent projects using acoustics to better understand marine mammals' distribution and their interactions with fisheries. We will also discuss how the use of innovative technologies allow us to obtain fine-scale behavior and movement data which help better inform energetic and movement models used in environmental impact assessment. Finally, we will discuss how the Marine Mammal Research Program has leveraged its research projects to promote educational and outreach opportunities. // Aude Pacini, Ph.D, Assistant Researcher, Mammal Research Program, Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawaii, SOEST, aude@hawaii.edu // *In person and via Zoom* Zoom Meeting Link Meeting ID: 963 5962 3640 Passcode: OREseminar https://hawaii.zoom.us/j/96359623640

Event Sponsor
Ocean and Resources Engineering, Mānoa Campus

More Information
(808) 956-7572, https://www.soest.hawaii.edu/ore/event/seminar_241120/

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