Engaged Pedagogies and a Culture of Democracy

February 7, 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Mānoa Campus, Dean Hall 202, 2450 Campus Road, Honolulu, HI 97822 Add to Calendar

Lecture by Dr. Ingrid Geier, Salzburg University of Teacher Education, Austria, and Dr. Ulla Hasager, UHMānoa: "The Impact of Engaged Pedagogies on a Culture of Democracy in Students’ Attitudes." Presentation of a joint research project based on service learning and active-citizenship learning and focused on the potential of engaged pedagogies to support developing civic-mindedness, an orientation to the common good, and a readiness to take action - all essential to maintaining a culture of democracy.

Event Sponsor
Sponsored by the UHM College of Social Sciences, Mānoa Campus

More Information
Ulla Hasager, 808 956 4218, ulla@hawaii.edu, Engaged Pedagogies and a Culture of Democracy (PDF)

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