Spring Jump Start: Teaching Insights from Our Mānoa Students

November 16, 12:00pm - 1:15pm
Mānoa Campus, Online Add to Calendar

Disciplines, courses, faculty and students are diverse in nature. Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) consultants develop a unique perspective by observing classes across our campus. Join us for a special presentation on themes and practices that span the wide range of courses offered from perspectives on student learning, and consider recommendations to jump start your spring semester teaching plan. Presented by Hazel Gedikli & Elisabeth Steele Hutchison, CTE Consultants

Event Sponsor
OFDAS Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE), Mānoa Campus

More Information
Elisabeth Hutchison, 808-956-6978, cte@hawaii.edu, https://www.ofdas.hawaii.edu/events/spring-jump-start/, Enter Title Here (PDF)

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