HIDSI Scientific Software Basics Workshop

October 29, 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Online via Zoom Add to Calendar

Description This FREE workshop is sponsored by the University of Hawai‘i Information Technology Service Cyberinfrastructure group and Hawai‘i Data Science Institute (HI-DSI)

This workshop focuses on foundations and essentials of scientific software.

Attendees will learn how to use the Unix command line for navigating Linux environments like Mana, command line git and GitHub for software version control and GitHub pages for sharing your science.


  • Have an account on Mana
  • MFA/DUO enabled on your UH Account: https://www.hawaii.edu/its/uhlogin/
  • Be able to connect to the workshop in Zoom and Mana Open OnDemand via a web browser
  • Have a GitHub account
Learning objectives

By the end of this workshop attendees will be able to:

  • Have a basic understanding of using the shell to navigate a Linux environment
  • Have a basic understanding of using git on the command line
  • Have a basic understanding of using git with GitHub and GitHub pages
  • Tools Used for this workshop
  • Git/GitHub
  • Open OnDemand

  • Ticket Information

    Event Sponsor
    Hawai‘i Data Science Institute, University of Hawaii

    More Information

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