Mālama Project - First RIO (club) Meeting

March 5, 1:30pm - 2:15pm
Mānoa Campus, QLC 313c Add to Calendar

Mālama Project would like to welcome kākoʻo, allies of the support community in addition to those students seeking support with addiction and recovery. We will welcome those interested in fighting the stigma of addiction, lending a helping hand and getting involved. We would love to begin activities in the community, social gatherings, community service, and beach days.

If you are unable to attend the meeting but are still interested in joining us. Please email us at Recovery@hawaii.edu or you may contact us through social media @Malama_Project

Event Sponsor
Health Promotions, Mānoa Campus

More Information
Lilinoe Kauahikaua, (808) 956-3574, Recovery@Hawaii.edu, http://www.hawaii.edu/shs/health_promotion/adep.php

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