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Last modified May 11, 2024
Qualify for SNAP (food stamps) with SP@M. SNAP Specialists from Helping Hands Hawaii will be on campus (at the tables across from Jamba Juice in Campus Center). Applications will be provided, as well as assistance filling out and submitting application and required documents.
Event Sponsor
Women's Center/SP@M, Mānoa Campus
More Information
(808) 956-9306, gotkids@hawaii.edu, http://manoa.hawaii.edu/studentparents/
Tuesday, January 30 |
10:30am |
Qualify for SNAP with SP@M Mānoa Campus, Campus Center
11:00am |
AS(YOU)H "Under the Big Top" - Eat & Greet Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Courtyard
12:00pm |
Center for Chinese Studies Research Seminar Mānoa Campus, Moore Hall 109 (or Hamilton Library 401)
12:00pm |
THE UN Sustainable Development Goals: Stakeholders' Engagement with the Agend Mānoa Campus, 1601 East-West Road, John A. Burns Hall, Room 3121/3125 (3rd floor)
1:30pm |
Study Abroad in Mendoza, Argentina Mānoa Campus, Moore 205
1:30pm |
Study Abroad in Berlin, Germany Mānoa Campus, Moore 226
2:30pm |
Study Abroad in Seville, Spain Mānoa Campus, Moore 205
7:30pm |
Robert McDuffie, violin – Jonathan Korth, piano Mānoa Campus, Orvis Auditorium