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Last modified May 11, 2024
Celebrate a belated Darwin Day with a visit to the UH Insect Museum Open House. In honor of the famed gentleman scientist's 208th birthday, the event will feature live Kamehameha butterflies, a hallway full of insect displays and demonstrations of specimen preparation for moths the size of a grain a rice.
Try your hand at sorting and identifying new field specimens for inclusion in the museum's collection. Get your photo with Buzz, the museum's giant fruit fly mascot.
Taste insect-based snacks.
Event Sponsor
Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences, Mānoa Campus
More Information
(808) 956-7076
Friday, February 17 |
9:00am |
Hawaii Law Review's Sharing Economy Symposium Mānoa Campus, William S. Richardson School of Law, 2515 Dole Street
10:30am |
Undergraduate Funding Info Session Mānoa Campus, Sinclair 201
12:00pm |
Public Lecture: Prof. Nancy K. Stalker, UT Austin Mānoa Campus, Sakamaki A-201
1:00pm |
Yoga Mānoa Campus, Biomedical Science Building, Room D-207
2:00pm |
UH Insect Museum Open House Mānoa Campus, Gilmore 607
3:30pm |
Geology and Geophysics Seminar Mānoa Campus, Pacific Ocean Sciences and Technology 723
4:00pm |
Chinese Corner Spring 2017 Mānoa Campus, Moore 109
6:00pm |
CCBAC's "PAL"entine's Day Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Ballroom
6:00pm |
Investigative Reporting in the Age of Fake News Mānoa Campus, Art Auditorium, 2535 McCarthy Mall
6:30pm |
Kickball Mānoa Campus, T.C. Ching Field
7:30pm |
Winter Footholds: Thinking in Motion Mānoa Campus, UHM Dance Studio (1820 Edmondson Rd. off Maile Way)
10:00pm |
Issue One Mānoa Campus, Kennedy Theatre Studio S