‘Aha Hana Keaka: Hawaiian Theatre Symposium 2016
October 13, 9:00am - 5:00pm
Mānoa Campus, Kennedy Theatre
Thursday, October 13, 2016
9AM – 5PM
UHM Kennedy Theatre
Celebrating Hawaiian Theatre- Past, Present, and Future
Join us for a symposium featuring Hawaiian performing artists from across the state and community leaders from the educational field. Presentations and panel discussions will focus on the history and values of Hana Keaka (Hawaiian Theatre) including its use in classroom settings. Following the symposium, Ka HÄlau Hanakeaka will showcase a retrospective of the last 20 years of Hawaiian theatre in Hawai‘i.
*Representative Isaac W. Choy will be a special guest in attendance at the Hawaiian Theatre Symposium (HTS). Representative Choy currently serves as the Chair of the House Education committee and represents District 23, which includes Manoa and University. He will present a Legislative Proclamation at the HTS at 9:30AM.*
Event to be conducted primarily in Hawaiian. Translators may be available for English speakers.
This event has been made possible through Special Funding from the Hawaiʻi State Legislature, the Hawaiian Theatre Fund, and Haleleʻa Arts Foundation.
Ticket Information
Free and open to the public.
Event Sponsor
Department of Theatre and Dance, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Dr. Tammy Haili‘Åpua Baker, (808) 956-3229, tbaker@hawaii.edu, http://manoa.hawaii.edu/liveonstage/hana-keaka/