APRIL 2016
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Last modified May 11, 2024
Dear Members of the UH Community,
We will be holding a memorial service for the late Professor Emeritus Kiyoshi Ikeda nextWednesday, April 13, at 3pm (please note this time is revised).​ You are all cordially invited, and we encourage you to distribute this invitation to others who may be interested in attending.
Thanks very much and we hope to see you there. P.S. Please see attached flyer for detailed info.
Event Sponsor
Sociology, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Sarah Aref, (808) 956-7693, saref@hawaii.edu, Enter Title Here (PDF)
Wednesday, April 13 |
All day |
Cisco CCNA Security Training Honolulu Campus, 874 Dillingham Boulevard
6:00am |
Student Parent Online Survey Mānoa Campus, Online: QLCSS for Q's
10:00am |
2016 Volunteer and Engagement Fair Mānoa Campus, Campus Center
10:00am |
BikeUHM 2016 Mānoa Campus, Sustainability Courtyard
12:00pm |
Yoga Mānoa Campus, Biomedical Science Building, Room D-207
12:00pm |
Open Workshop: Organize Your Research: Getting Started with Mendeley Mānoa Campus, Hamilton 306
12:00pm |
China Seminar public talk Mānoa Campus, Moore 319 (Tokioka Room)
2:30pm |
Rhodes and Marshall Scholarships Information Session Mānoa Campus, Queen Liliuokalani Center for Student Services Rm. 411
3:00pm |
Memorial Service for Professor Emeritus Kiyoshi Ikeda Mānoa Campus, Executive Dining Room, Campus Center
3:30pm |
Atmospheric Sciences Seminar Mānoa Campus, Marine Sciences Building, MSB 100
4:30pm |
STEM Teacher Information Session Mānoa Campus, Bilger Hall - Room 150
4:30pm |
Ultimate Frisbee Pick-up on Bachman Lawn Mānoa Campus, Manoa Campus, Bachman Lawn