Oceanography Seminar- Bo Qiu
October 15, 3:00pm - 4:00pmMānoa Campus, MSB 100
Bo Qui, Professor
Department of Oceanography
University of Hawaii at Manoa
" Oceanic Mesoscale Versus Submesoscale Eddy Variability – Dynamics, Vertical Motion and Satellite Observability"
This presentation will focus on two aspects of mesoscale-submesoscale variability in the subtropical gyre circulation in the North Pacific Ocean. First, we analyze the output from a 1/30-deg high-resolution OGCM simulation and the AVISO gridded satellite altimetry product to contrast the seasonal Subtropical Countercurrent (STCC) variability in the mesoscale vs. submesoscale ranges. Importance of two types of baroclinic instability are emphasized.
The second topic utilizes the theoretical framework of effective surface quasi-geostrophic (eSQG) dynamics and explores the potential of reconstructing the 3D upper ocean circulation features, including the vertical velocity (w) field, from high-resolution sea surface height data expected from the forth-coming NASA-CNES's Surface Waterand Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission.
Event Sponsor
Oceanography, Mānoa Campus
More Information
(808) 956-7633, ocean@soest.hawaii.edu, http://www.soest.hawaii.edu/oceanography/seminar.html
Thursday, October 15 |
10:00am |
Manoa Political Internship Informational Session Mānoa Campus, Dean Hall 6
1:30pm |
American Studies Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Moore 323
3:00pm |
Economics Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Saunders 515
3:00pm |
Oceanography Seminar- Bo Qiu Mānoa Campus, MSB 100
3:15pm |
LiteBIRD - A space based CMB polarization experiment, Prof. M. Hazumi (KEK) Mānoa Campus, Watanabe 112
4:00pm |
Identy Theft: Don't Be Next Mānoa Campus, QLC 412
5:00pm |
Taste of Manoa Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Courtyard
5:30pm |
Ancient Pathways, Ancestral Knowledge: Distinguished Speaker Dr. Nancy Turner Mānoa Campus, St John Plant Sciences Bldg, room 11 (ground floor)
6:30pm |
The UN & Indigenous Repatriation of Iwi KÅ«puna & MoepÅ« Mānoa Campus, Room 101, KamakakÅ«okalani Center for Hawaiian Studies, 2645 Dole Street