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Q1. Who is eligible for BTH?
Q2. What is TANF?
Q3. How do I get TANF?
Q4. How do I participate in Bridge to Hope?
Q5. I only receive food stamps. Am I eligible for Bridge to Hope?


Q1. Who is eligible for BTH?

  • Cash assistance/TANF recipients with a First-to-Work work requirement who are full-time enrolled at any University of Hawai’i campus. Part-time students are not eligible.
Q2. What is TANF?
  • TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) is the federal government’s term for cash assistance or welfare. It used to be known as AFDC (Aid to Families with Dependent Children). There is a work requirement to receive cash assistance and in Hawai’i that office is called “First-to-Work.” Click on Resources/Research for info about changes to welfare begun in 1996.
Q3. How do I get TANF?
  • TANF has strict income and assets limits linked to the federal poverty level for the size of your family. To apply for TANF, foodstamps (SNAP), childcare subsidies, Quest etc. you can download an application from the DHS website and personally deliver or mail to the office. You may contact the Human Services’ Benefit, Employment and Support Services office in your area (Click here and scroll for a link to the list of processing center offices).
Q4. How do I participate in Bridge to Hope?
  • If you are a First-to-Work participant and are full-time enrolled at any UH campus contact the BTH campus contact for your location to discuss BTH on-campus employment.
    If you are not yet enrolled at a University of Hawai’i campus, check out the Back to College page. Once you’ve done some research and decided which campus /program you’re interested in, discuss your education plans with your FTW case manager. To participate in the FTW education plan, you must be in compliance with all FTW rules. Assessment tests are also administered by FTW to determine your skills and readiness for college.

Q5. I only receive food stamps. Am I eligible for Bridge to Hope?

  • No. Bridge to Hope is available to cash assistance (TANF) recipients with a work requirement. If you become eligible for cash assistance, then you could be eligible for Bridge to Hope.


Disclaimer: These pages are intended to be informative and answer basic questions about U.H. Bridge to Hope and the First-to-Work Education Policy. However, only First-to-Work can definitively interpret their program policies. It is always good to maintain communication with your case manager(s).