AntWatch: Data Collection

Date Collection Form Example

Date April 14, 2000 School University of Hawaii

Student Name: Dan Gruner

Ant collection data

Time sticks put out: 11:30 am collected: 1:45 pm

Location my house

Street Address 113741 Ala Ohia St, Volcano 96785

Describe weather: partly cloudy with a few
light showers

Describe locations of chopsticks most were
beneath trees, but 2 were in potted plants, 1 was near
the garbage cans and 1 was next to a rock pile

Observations or illustrations (use back if needed):
The ants were very tiny, red & moved slowly. Some fell
off the chopstick when I put it in the bag. There was a
second species: larger, black, fast moving (sketches on

GPS data

Latitude N: 19 o 25 ’ 42 ”

Longitude W: 155 o 12 ’ 40 ”

Elevation (ft): 3460