University of Hawai`i

Botany Department

          Marine Algae of Hawai`i


Web Publications




Native Algae


Invasive Marine Species


Keys, Methods, and Glossary



Graduate Students


UH Botany Department


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Methods Manual for Managers: 

      Field Techniques for Algal Research


These methods were developed for research with the Hawaii Coral Reef Initiative Program and are being compiled for a Methods Manual to be distributed by HCRI.  The manual was written by Linda Preskitt and edited by Celia M. Smith and I.A. Abbott of the University of Hawaii, Botany Department, Honolulu, Hawaii.


Algal Collection


     Handling and Pressing

Photoquadrat Survey

     Photoquadrat Framer

Alizarin Stain

Nutrient Enrichment

Sediment Trap

Light Intensity Measurement


To measure light penetration in algal growth studies. Can be done in conjunction with sediment traps in determining the effects of turbidity and light extinction on reef algae.



2K HOBO Light Intensity logger (0.01 to ~10k lumens/ft2)

BoxCar Pro Starter Kit (Windows) BCP4.3-ON or BoxCar Starter Kit (Windows) BC3.7-ON

Submersible case, clear

Silicone pack



A light intensity logger is a small, battery-powered data logger that is equipped with a microprocessor, data storage and sensor. The logger records light intensity in specified time increments. The logger records each measurement and stores it in memory along with the time and date. Temperature data loggers with similar capabilities are also available.


Before being deployed in the field, the Hobo logger must be initiated. The Hobo logger has limited memory, so the sampling interval must be determined based upon Hobo memory size and length of deployment. Connect the Hobo logger to a computer with the supplied cable, start the BoxCar software, set the sampling interval, then initiate the Hobo. Place the Hobo into the submersible case with a silicone pack, and carefully replace the O-ring and cap.




Place the Hobo where it is fully exposed to available light. Use cable ties or steel cable to attach the data logger to the substrate or other equipment. After desired time in field, retrieve the logger. The logger is then reconnected to the personal computer and the software is used to download the data, which is then displayed in a graph, showing the profile over time. The tabular data can be viewed as well, or exported to a spreadsheet for further manipulation.


Contact Information

Onset Computer Corporation

PO Box 3450

Pocasset, MA 02559-3450

1-800-564-4377, (508) 759-9500
Fax: (508) 759-9100

Webmaster L. Preskitt