Finding Boundaries in the Sea: Alaska, Hawaii, and the Emperor Seamount Chain

August 1, 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Waikiki Aquarium

Join us at the Waikiki Aquarium Classroom for a talk by Dr. Les Watling from the University of Hawai'i at Manoa regarding the research he is conducting with the Schmidt Ocean Institute aboard the Falkor.

Tuesday August 1st, 2017

The bathyal zone (800-3500 m) is the least well-known depth zone in the ocean but contains much of the deep sea coral diversity. A recent expedition on R/V Falkor will allow scientists to explore the different deep water corals of the Aleutians and Hawaii. Scientists are unsure where the likely transition occurs between species along the Emperor Seamount chain, and hope to discover this during the cruise. The science team thinks that this boundary may be determined by the west to east flow of North Pacific Intermediate Water that crosses at the Main Gap of the Seamount. Using Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) SuBastian, the team will document the bathyal coral faunas of several seamounts in the Emperor Seamount with high resolution imagery to locate the mysterious boundary. Cruise results and imagery will be shared during this presentation.

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Event Sponsor
Waikiki Aquarium , Mānoa Campus

More Information
Volunteer Center, (808) 440-9020,,

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