UH Strategic Directions Measures

  • Education and Related expenditures consist of Instruction and Student Service expenditures, plus a pro-rata share of expenditures for Academic Support, Institutional Support and Operation & Maintenance of Plant.

  • Finance data for Fiscal Year 2010 and later have been adjusted to account for changes in the IPEDS collection, so that data as reported on the IPEDS New Aligned Form are comparable to data for prior years.

  • Completions include all degrees as well as certificates with duration of one year or more (Certificate of Achievement and above).

  • Source: IPEDS Finance survey.

Download this Education & Related Expenditures Per Completion (pdf)

Education & Related Expenditures Per Completion
Fiscal Year
($ in thousands)

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Actual 2016 Goal 2017 Actual 2017 Goal 2018 Actual 2018 Goal 2019 Actual 2019 Goal 2020 Actual 2020 Goal 2021 Actual 2021 Goal 2022 Goal
UH Mānoa $79.1 $85.0 $91.2 $90.6 $89.4 $83.5 $83.6 $90.9 $94.1 $92.2 $92.3 $96.5 $90.5 $98.0 $88.8 $88.7 $87.1 $85.4
UH Hilo $114.8 $86.3 $104.1 $102.2 $85.6 $78.1 $78.2 $76.1 $76.0 $75.8 $73.8 $84.3 $71.7 $84.3 $69.6 $75.1 $67.6 $65.7
UH West Oʻahu $51.0 $59.6 $70.1 $77.8 $72.9 $66.6/td> $66.7 $53.6 $52.7 $60.9 $50.7 $61.7 $48.8 $53.6 $47.0 $46.2 $45.2 $43.5
UH Community Colleges Average $67.5 $63.7 $61.1 $49.1 $53.5 $46.8 $45.9 $46.7 $45.9 $51.0 $47.1 $48.0 $45.7 $53.1 $44.4 $46.1 $43.2 $41.9
Hawaiʻi CC $63.6 $61.2 $54.1 $44.3 $53.2 $41.3 $41.4 $46.8 $51.7 $46.8 $50.2 $45.1 $48.8 $49.7 $47.4 $41.7 $46.0 $44.7
Honolulu CC $65.1 $62.1 $69.3 $53.7 $51.9 $39.2 $39.3 $38.6 $40.1 $46.5 $39.0 $40.1 $37.9 $46.2 $36.8 $46.2 $35.7 $34.7
Kapiʻolani CC $59.8 $54.3 $46.9 $37.4 $44.5 $39.3 $39.3 $41.2 $41.7 $46.4 $40.5 $49.3 $39.3 $50.5 $38.2 $45.8 $37.1 $36.0
Kauaʻi CC $75.2 $78.2 $77.2 $97.7 $72.2 $71.3 $71.4 $68.6 $71.3 $84.2 $69.3 $52.3 $67.2 $82.5 $65.3 $73.4 $63.4 $61.6
Leeward CC $61.6 $57.8 $55.7 $40.8 $47.4 $41.7 $41.8 $43.7 $45.0 $42.3 $43.8 $40.4 $42.5 $43.9 $41.3 $32.7 $40.1 $39.0
UH Maui College $78.9 $69.7 $67.9 $65.4 $72.0 $62.8 $62.0 $55.7 $57.2 $64.5 $55.6 $58.8 $54.0 $66.5 $52.5 $56.3 $50.9 $49.5
Windward CC $104.4 $122.2 $117.9 $66.1 $64.6 $64.0 $64.1 $66.1 $68.0 $67.7 $66.1 $69.5 $64.1 $79.9 $62.3 $72.1 $60.5 $58.7

2021 includes provisional data reported to IPEDS and is subject to change.
Inflation-adjustment is derived from the 2021 Commonfund Higher Education Price Index Report and uses 2015 as the base year.

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