Volume 10, No. 9 september 26, 1957

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T.H. Loses Millions at Damon Tract; Forewarned; Speculators Clean Up; HAC Must Pay Sucker Price for Airport Land

Why did the Territory refuse to condemn 24 acres of Damon Tract in 1956 and save millions of dollars for the taxpayers?

This question is haunting the Damon Tract land transactions which will force the wholesale removal of 300 families. Many with low income have no place to go or turn to.

Residents Petitioned

This question is getting another close examination since the Territory is now offering to pay $3,586-000 for 69 acres for a jet-age airport when it could have condemned 224 acres of the tract for about the same amount in early 1958. cont'd.


In the Dailies

Betty Gets Brush

What happened at the Star-Bulletin on Monday? The home edition that day carried a four-column front page story declaring that Betty Farrington, as ex-Delegate, is "sharply critical" of Republican chairman Ed Bryan's decision to address the ILWU convention.

The Star-Bull gave Betty 7 1/2 inches of space to raise her moral issue that "no expedient
is justified if it is used in contradiction to principle."

The Star-Bull, which referred to her as Mrs. Joseph R. Farrington, backed up Betty with an editorial. cont'd.


Betty Farrington Opens Office, Eyes Senate, Wants to Call GOP Signals

Mrs. Elizabeth Farrington, former delegate to Congress, is intent on about bringing a Republican resurgence under her guidance in the Territory, according to sources close to her.
Her occupancy of room 507 in the Stangenwald Building, next to the Star-Bulletin of which she is president, is not merely for the purchase of keeping "an eye on things" at the daily, these sources say.

To Run for Senate

They say Betty Farrington is interested in quarterbacking the regeneration of local Republicans. cont'd.


Local Sharpies Journey to Mainland, Use Long "Knives" To Clip Suckers

By Staff Writer

A different and novel type of export from Hawaii to the Mainland has been disclosed to the RECORD by sources that know, but this one isn't the type you'll read about in one of James Shoemaker's reports on Hawaii's economy, courtesy of the Bank of Hawaii.

This export is sharpies who track down the gullible haole in his rustic lair on the Mainland and take him for whatever the traffic will bear. The past season, according to the latest crew of local sharpies to report back in, was pretty profitable. Each of the crew, numbering five or six, is reported to have cleared something like $10,000 on his trip, and plans are being laid already for the next season. cont'd.


Chili Duarte Tells How Much Better C and H Pays at Crockett than Aiea

The difference in wages paid by the California & Hawaii Sugar Co. at its local refinery at Aiea and at its plant at Crockett, Calif., runs anywhere from 90 cents an hour to $1.50 an hour—with the California workers getting the higher wage, of course.

That is the finding of Charles (Chili) Duarte, president of ILWU Local 6, and of August Hemenez ILWU business agent for the Crockett unit of Local 6, two officers who are presently in the islands for the ILWU territorial convention, but who are taking a careful look-see into C&H policies here. cont'd.


ILWU Convention 4-Day Schedule , Mow Under Way

The coming negotiations between the ILWU and management of Hawaii's sugar plantations would be the topic of first importance at the union's convention which opened Wednesday, of that, no one had any doubt.

Union leaders locally and President Harry Bridges nationally had made it clear that the sugar workers will make strong "demands for a wage hike above the $1.12 basic wage of the present. But details of the union's wage demands were scheduled to be released later in the week, after they have been given employers. cont'd.


Treated Cows now Give Milk that Helps War on Diseases

Milk fortified in the- cow's udder to produce immunity among consumers against certain diseases has been shipped from the U.S. to Mexico to combat infant diarrhea. The discoverer of "protective milk," Dr. W. E. Peterson, noted dairy scientist of the University of Minnesota, expects that it will be on sale in markets next year.

Information New

Locally, a spokesman for Dairymen's Assn. said that he has not heard of "protective milk." He said this information is "news to me." cont'd.


Gen. MacArthur Bites Uncle's Hand That Feeds Him

General of the Army Douglas D. MacArthur is chairman of the board of the Sperry Band Corp., an industrial giant with 40 percent of its annual sales to the Department of Defense.

On July 30 in New York, General MacArthur made a two-hour talk at the annual meeting of Sperry bitterly attacked Federal spending and taxes under the leadership of his former subordinate in the army, Dwight D. Eisenhower.

The MacArthur attack shocked Senator Richard L. Neuberger of Oregon who wrote to the Department of the Army re: the benefits received by MacArthur from the Government. Replied the Army: cont'd.


Bondsman Stirs Bethel St.

Talk of Bethel St., at least in the area near the police station, is of a fistic engagement that has not and most probably will not be reported to the police, though the principal aggressor is a man currently in trouble with the law and his victim was formerly his bondsman.

The bondsman, himself, says it didn't happen and that nothing more than a "misunderstanding" occurred. But others on the street say he 'told them it did happen, though he was attacked by three persons. Instead of one, and they didn't manage to hurt him much. Cause of the alleged fracas was a "misunderstanding" over what happened to $2,000 the bondsman's client posted with him to cover a bond posted in court. con'td.


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Ladies' Dumbbells, Suction Cups, Brushes for Baldies In Mail Frauds

Do people get smarter down through the generations?

No one can dispute the advance of science, of course, and the broadening and expansion of human knowledge But the police of the U.S. Post Office Department certainly have reason to think people actually get more gullible.

With the advance of science, the possibilities for fleecing: have increased enormously, and the fast-buck artists are taking advantage of them. A report from David Stephens, head of' the postal inspection service, says mail racketeers are taking "untold millions" of dollars away from the public." cont'd.


Immigration Barred

For a change, an American has been denied entrance to another "free" country, instead of a foreigner being turned back" by America's stiff immigration barrier. George M. Houser, executive director of the American Committee on Africa, was turned back at the borders of the Federation of the Rhodesias and Nyasaland, apparently because of the Committee's strong stand against colonialism and for African nationalist movements. The Federation is run by its tiny minority of white residents. cont'd.


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To The Editor

McKinley Explains Motives Behind $50 Million Cemetery

Editor, Honolulu Record:

It was with considerable interest that I read your good issue Thursday, August 29th, 1957.

As a friend of labor, having supported and advertised in the Los Angeles Citizen, our labor newspaper of Los Angeles for 22 years, I was considerably impressed by the well-wishers and advertisers in your Labor Day issue. May I proffer my heartiest congratulations? cont'd.


King Saud Has 1,000 Slave Girls, Gets A Million Dollars A Day

Criticism of the foreign policy of the Eisenhower administration under Secretary of State Dulles, as being confused and short ranged, continues to mount.

Just before Congress adjourned, Rep. W. K. Denton of Indiana told the House:

"The United States tried hastily to get control of the Middle East situation by cultivating the favor of King Saud of Arabia. He was invited to Washington and entertained in ' a style never before shown a visiting monarch. cont'd.


What Happened at Little Rock Before Ike Sent in Troops

Here is a chronology of the main events which led up to the conflict of Federal versus State authority in Little Rock, Ark., over the integration of Negroes in white schools.

In 1954, the US Supreme Court issued a directive for integration with "all deliberate speed."

In 1955, the Little Rock Board of Education drew up a program of desegregation which the Federal Dist Court approved in Aug. 1956. It called for integration first at the high school level then at the end of six years all schools down to the elementary level would be integrated. cont'd.


Hotel St. Bomb That "Sunk" Two Navies

There was a bomb, believe it or not, that sank the ships of two navies long before the atomic bomb and the H-bomb were seriously considered.

It happened on Hotel St. not so very long after the Russo-Japanese War and the man who exploded the bomb was none other than John C. Cluney, old-time police officer. But Cluney's naval triumph came long before he was a policeman. He was then only a youth, and a mischievous one at that. cont'd.

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Sport Shorts

Should Boxing Be Abolished?

A couple of weeks ago, Jimmy Jemail, the inquiring reporter of Sports Illustrated, asked his usual quota of sports fans from various walks of life and of both sexes, "Will boxing be abolished?" Only, a few expressed the thought that boxing ever will toe abolished, especially in the U.S., though there were some who thought it should be.

The question, "Should boxing be abolished?" has been more or less in the minds of Americans ever since John L. Sullivan and James J. Corbett fought the first heavyweight championship fight with gloves in New Orleans in 1892. It took a good many years for the general public to accept boxing as a spectacle it should be allowed to see, and even then the percentage of people who actually saw fights through any medium was comparatively small. cont'd.


ILWU Athletic Assn. Bd. to Meet Sept. 30

The annual meeting of the board of directors of the ILWU Athletic ' Association will.be held in Honolulu Monday, September 30, starting at 10 a.m.

The union's sports program and budget for 1958 will be adopted at the meeting. New officers for the coming year will also be elected.

Every island, including Molokai and Lanai, is represented on the board. cont'd.


Managers' Guild, Scoring, Bow Ties For Referees Get Attention of TBC

The Territorial Boxing Commission Monday approved a main event for Sept. 30 between Buddy McDonald, originally imported to fight Stan Harrington, and Bonnie Espmosa, another importation from the Philippines, thereby shattering a precedent "of some standing. But that wasn't the only decision of lasting import the commission made. It also did the following: cont'd.


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There’s a new gimmick being used by fleecers here, the talk around town has it, though it isn't a new gimmick in Mainland circles. Anyhow, it's merely the use of a rumble on "hot money." The sucker is told he, or she will be allowed to purchase a large amount of money that is for some reason "hot" on the Mainland, possibly stolen, swindled, or acquired in some other illegal fashion. The sucker may be given a bargain such as maybe $5,000 for $3,000, which represents $2,000 clear profit if the sucker spends it here id Hawaii instead of on the Mainland. At least that's what he or she is told. When the exchange comes, of course, only the sucker does the paying. About the time he or she is to get the big boodle, a "cop" walks in and makes a "pinch" of one of the fleecers involved. If it works well, the sucker is convinced he or she is lucky to get away without being pinched, too. Of course, the sucker may get a little sore later and decide to call some real cops into the case, and that's what we hear happened not long ago in one of the cases around town. cont'd.


Through A Woman's Eyes

Let's Talk About Food


More sins are committed in the name of fried chicken than almost any other dish.

If the meat has a burnt, smoky taste, the frying fat was too hot for too long a time.

Many cooks undercook chicken, assuming that when the skin is brown, it is done.

For perfect fried chicken every time, follow these rules:

1. Use any fat, but do not let it get too hot. I am partial to peanut oil. A layering of 14 inch (melted) is ample.

2. Use a beaten egg (2 if necessary) as a dip. This seems to produce a tastier coating than flour, milk, or batter. cont'd.


Visitors to U.S.

In 1956, 62,232,257 persons visited the U.S. and spent some $705 million. There were 150,000 from Europe and the Mediterranean area, 175,000 from Latin America and the Caribbean area, but most of all, 61,791,935, came from Canada and Mexico, many of them on a recurring basis.

About 11,000 European girls married U.S. soldiers, sailors or airmen during 1956. Approximately 300,000 Americans in uniform were stationed in European countries during this period and about one-fourth of them were married. In the first half of 1956, 1,443 U.S. airmen married British women.

A child patient aged 9 gave birth to a 2 1/2 lb. baby recently at Little Rock's University of Arkansas hospital.


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TV & Radio

ON SEPT 20, the day the story broke about the over-wrought wife of KGMB disc lockey Don Chamberlain surrounding him with bullets in their Waikiki apartment, Chamberlain skipped the story on the main CBS news roundup at 7 a.m.

At the 7 30 news break, Chamberlain gave a personalized account of the near-tragedy Why cannot local news jockeys handle all human predicaments with the same taste and care? cont'd.


Down Movie Lane

"Affair in Kamakura " Is Recommended To "We, the Women"

"Affair in Kamakura'," the Japanese movie at the Palace Theater which is advertised as adult entertainment—"the most daring picture ever produced in Japan !"— races into action in the first scene.

It deals with the unrestrained flesh-potting of young male and female adults—the restless, aimless children of well-fixed parents in Japan today. cont'd.


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“Evils of Unionism” as Seen Through Eyes of Big Bosses

Although unionism is accepted today, on the surface at least by big employers here, the dailies editorially lament how shackled and un-free organized workers are— whenever these papers have an opportunity to sound off.

In Vancouver, B.C., Columnist Barry Mathers of the Vancouver Sun, analyzed the "evils of unionism" which employers and their fronts constantly harp on.

He took up the employer line that organized workers lose their liberties as individuals and become dominated, also regimented. cont'd.


New Intestinal Virus Joins Asian Flu

A new type of intestinal virus has Joined Asian flu as a threat to health in the U.S. called "Echo Type 9," the new virus was isolated by researchers under Dr. Albert Sabin at the Children's Hospital Research Foundation at Cincinnati, Ohio. He is widely known for his polio research.

Symptoms caused by the virus are fever, aching muscles, sore throat and Vomiting. Dr. Sabin says that the disease sometimes is mistaken for measles because of a rash of small red-colored dots. cont'd.


City Hall Had Many Sympathizers With Independent Press 9 Years Ago

By Edward Rohrbough

When the RECORD began publication nine years ago, the administration at City Hall was one highly sympathetic to the concept of a newspaper free from pressure of the Big Five and very much conscious of the manner in which the two big dailies were dominated by local Big Business and allied with the Republican Party.

The late Mayor John H. Wilson had carried on many a joust wife the dailies down through the years, sometimes through Hawaiian newspapers of the time, and no matter how the RECORD might blast editorially at the Big Five, it was never really strong enough to suit Johnny. cont'd.


U.S. Befriends No. 1 Enemy of Democracy

In a new book, "The Yoke and the Arrows," subtitled "A Report-on Spain," Herbert L Mathews, veteran correspondent of the New York Times and a member of its editorial conference laments that the U.S. has to make an ally of fascist Franco to get bomber and missile bases in Spain.

He applauds America's, attitude toward Communism But toward fascism; the U.S. stand is different Mathew’s finds. He says: cont'd.


Make Friends

In a 'review of U.S. foreign policy for the New York Times, Sen. Paul H. Douglas of Illinois said:

"We should not let the zeal of the professional public relations men who now largely determine our foreign policy obscure the fact that the only real way to make a friend is to be a friend.

"In the long run, effective mutual help, rather than words, is the best creator of friendship and of peace.

"As we create better relations and raise the standard of living elsewhere, we shall build bastions of freedom where democracy can thrive."


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Tax the Big Estates Now

The lead story in this weekly last week entitled, "T. H. Gov't Can Burst at Seams with Money; New Law Calls for Taxation based on Best Possible Use of Land," received interested reading and wide and favorable response, and appreciation for bringing this question sharply before the public.

The dailies have ignored the law; have not dealt with it as they have done with retail tax and income tax. The legislative session was concluded months ago but this important law has not rated publicity in the dailies.

The reason is obvious—the new law hits the big landed interests. Their silence could have resulted in lack of information by the people, resulting in by-passing of the law as other laws have been disdainfully and purposely ignored. One such measure is the homestead provision in the Organic Act which mandates the land commissioner to conduct an annual survey to determine homestead needs of the people. While the homestead provisions are ignored, big interests lease large tracts of territorial land at small rental. cont'd.


Are You Positive?

Recently an island in the South Pacific was moved 4,000 feet to the northwest of its previous position. They didn't pick it up and move it. They simply discovered by modern methods of measurement that it had been incorrectly placed on the maps in the first place.

The change won't be very noticeable on even a large scale map. But 4,000 feet can make quite a difference when you're cruising around in the dark looking for an island. cont'd.


Senator's Incitement to Rebellion

By Koji Ariyoshi

President Eisenhower has finally taken steps to enforce the Supreme Court decree on integration. He was forced to do this—federalizing the National Guard in Arkansas and sending U.S. troops into Little Bock—in order to preserve order in a state of rebellion.

Earlier he had issued an order instructing riffraff mobsters, backed by racists among politicians and businessmen, to "cease and desist" its "willful obstruction of justice." The mobsters, howling, like packs of animals 1,000 strong, forced officials at Little Rock to withdraw nine Negro students after they had safely gotten into Central High.
Court Order, April 1954

President Eisenhower, through boldness and foresight, could have avoided or minimized the untold suffering of brave Negro students. cont'd.