Presented to the Mānoa Faculty Senate by the Committee on Educational Effectiveness for a vote of the full senate on April 18, 2018, a resolution to amend the proposal to establish the committee on educational effectiveness as a permanent committee of the mānoa faculty senate. Approved by the Mānoa Faculty Senate on April 18, 2018 with 36 votes in favor of support; 0 votes against; and 1 abstention.
WHEREAS, the purpose of the Committee on Educational Effectiveness (CEE) is to lead coordinating and monitoring assessment activities and to develop assessment policy directed at understanding and improving educational effectiveness; and
WHEREAS, the CEE will serve as a repository of assessment activities, provide consultation to the Administration and relevant offices regarding gaps in available assessment information, recommend changes in assessment processes, review the usefulness of assessment strategies, and promote the use of assessment data to inform decision-making and improve student learning; and
WHEREAS, the CEE will work closely with the Assessment Office, Office of Faculty Development and Academic Support, General Education Office and General Education Committee, and the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and will have the following responsibilities:
- a) Establish academic assessment policies necessary to foster a campus-wide understanding of and commitment to improvement-oriented educational assessment.
- b) Identify the most appropriate practices and uses for assessment of student learning at Mānoa.
- c) Review assessment resource needs and recommend concomitant budgetary allocations by the institution.
- d) Liaise with faculty to promote effective academic assessment practices, especially in support of degree programs.
- e) Consult with subject matter/content area experts as necessary.
- f) Produce an annual report (due in May) to the Faculty Senate on the status of academic assessment at UHM; and
WHEREAS, the CEE will consist of 13 members: 9 voting and 4 non-voting members.
Voting members:
- 2 Mānoa Faculty Senate Senators (annually appointed)
- 3 faculty from the Colleges of Arts and Sciences, chosen to ensure academic diversity
- 4 faculty from the remaining Mānoa Colleges/Schools or Units, each from a differentCollege/School or Unit
Non-voting ex-officio members:
- 1 SEC liaison
- 1 faculty member from the Assessment Office
- 2 students, one graduate and one undergraduate; and
WHEREAS, voting members and the SEC liaison will be appointed by the Mānoa Faculty Senate (MFS), the undergraduate representative will be appointed by the Associated Students of the University of Hawai‘i (ASUH) and the graduate representative will be appointed by the Graduate Student Organization (GSO); and
WHEREAS, the voting members nominate and vote for the chair and vice chair of the CEE annually. Faculty members who plan to be on sabbatical shall not be nominated into the chair or vice chair position. All non-senators who are voting members serve three-year terms, renewable for a maximum of one additional term. After serving a maximum of 6 consecutive years, a voting member can apply for membership after a break of one semester. The committee needs to ensure that there is at least 40% overlap in committee composition over consecutive terms, and quorum consists of a majority of the voting membership; and
WHEREAS, the CEE reports to the MFS and the Chairperson has the following duties:
- Preside at all meetings and ensure that minutes are taken
- Develop an agenda for each meeting
- Appoint subcommittees as necessary
- Coordinate the writing of CEE reports
- Liaise with the Faculty Senate, administration, and the university community; and
WHEREAS, the Vice-Chair will perform the duties of the chair in the event that s/he is unable to serve; and
WHEREAS, at a minimum, this organizing document shall be reviewed, and amended as appropriate, every five years at the end of the fiscal year (starting June 30, 2018) by the Faculty Senate in accordance with Senate Bylaws. Particular responsibility falls upon the CEE to periodically and regularly review this document in terms of its structure, faculty participation on the committee, and the success of its resulting operations, and to report on needed revisions to the MFS; therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mānoa Faculty Senate approves the resolution to amend the proposal to establish the Committee on Educational Effectiveness (CEE) as a permanent committee of the Mānoa Faculty Senate.