Graduate Council is a representative body of graduate programs at UH Manoa and serves as an advisory group to the […]
Learn More about Graduate Council (GC)Committees
Senate Executive Committee (SEC)
The Executive Committee, acting on behalf of the Senate and the Congress, shall identify and arrange for consideration and study of all goals, policies, and programs relating to the physical and academic development of the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa.
Learn More about Senate Executive Committee (SEC)Academic Policy and Planning (CAPP)
The Committee on Academic Policy and Planning (CAPP), acting upon recommendations and findings made by its subcommittees makes specific recommendations of either approve, disapprove or recommended action to the Senate Executive Committee on matters of: academic goals, policies, and programs with respect to standards of professional ethics; establishment and modification of degree programs and curricula, admissions and graduation requirements; ways of supporting and encouraging improvements in faculty performance, and planning for changes in academic goals and in academic programs.
Learn More about Academic Policy and Planning (CAPP)Administration and Budget (CAB)
The Committee on Administration and Budget (CAB) is responsible for matters dealing with administration and budget, at the Mānoa campus, and also at the System level, to the extent that the Mānoa campus is affected by System actions.
Learn More about Administration and Budget (CAB)Athletics (COA)
The Committee on Athletics (COA) provides oversight and make specific recommendations to the Senate Executive Committee on matters regarding University sponsored intercollegiate athletics.
Learn More about Athletics (COA)Educational Effectiveness (CEE)
The purpose of the Committee on Educational Effectiveness (CEE) is to lead coordinating and monitoring assessment activities and to develop assessment policy directed at understanding and improving educational effectiveness.
Learn More about Educational Effectiveness (CEE)Faculty Service (CFS)
The Committee on Faculty Service (CFS) is responsible for implementing the provisions in the Bylaws for: 1) conducting all nominating and final elections for members of the Senate; 2) conducting nominating and final elections for members of the Executive Committee; 3) selecting members for subcommittees, boards of the GEC, ad-hoc committees, and task forces; 4) conducting the balloting on resolutions submitted to the Congress; 4) seeking out candidates for committee seats to which faculty are appointed and nominating persons for those seats; and 5) seeking out candidates for faculty positions on committees appointed by or responsible to the Mānoa Chancellor or the President.
Learn More about Faculty Service (CFS)General Education (GEC)
The Committee on General Education (GEC) develops policies and procedures for implementing and monitoring General Education at UHM, and undertake regular assessments of the effectiveness of General Education.
Learn More about General Education (GEC)Professional Matters (CPM)
The Committee on Professional Matters (CPM) is vigilant in protecting the academic freedom of all scholars, and shall review and evaluate such topics as classified research, sexual harassment, gift giving, and the like which may come before it either as a matter of policy or on a case-by-case basis.
Learn More about Professional Matters (CPM)Research (COR)
The Committee on Research (COR) is responsible for matters relating to the planning, direction, initiation, development, and coordination of faculty research.
Learn More about Research (COR)Student Affairs (CSA)
The Committee on Student Affairs (CSA) provides oversight of student affairs and make specific recommendations to the Senate Executive Committee on issues related to the improvement of quality educational and co-curricular experiences for students.
Learn More about Student Affairs (CSA)