Who's my senator?

Find your senator(s) by selecting your UHM unit from the drop down below.

Senate & Congress Convenings

During the academic year, the Senate meets at least once a month at a time agreed upon by the Executive Committee (SEC). The Senate can meet outside of the academic year as called for by the SEC. The Congress convenes at least once each semester, on a date set by the Senate. All members of the University community may attend any meetings of the Senate and the Congress

Your Senate Executive Committee

The Executive Committee, acting on behalf of the Senate and the Congress, identifies and arranges for consideration and study of all goals, policies, and programs relating to the physical and academic development of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. Learn more about the Senate Executive Committee (SEC).

Brian Richardson

MFS Secretary

Edo Biagioni



Ann Sakaguchi

Vice Chair

Carolyn Stephenson

Carolyn Stephenson


Sarita Rai

SEC Secretary

Camaron Miyamoto

Camaron Miyamoto


Marguerite Butler


More about the Senate

  • Academic freedom is of most importance to me in our teaching as well as our research, and being surrounded by colleagues in the MFS who are committed to the same reminds me of the collective excellence of UHM. I continuously grow from the diversity of faculty voices in MFS on similar issues and topics.

    Truc Nguyen

    2019-21 SEC member
  • This is my third time to serve on the Manoa Faculty Senate and having that experience has allowed me to meet amazing colleagues all across campus. Participating in faculty governance also gives us a voice to influence policy decisions and give administrators a faculty perspective. You also gain valuable insights into issues on the campus.

    Christine Sorensen Irvine

    2020-22 SEC Vice Chair
  • Serving on the faculty senate let's me stay current on campus initiatives and keeps me involved and informed. Through senate, I also get to meet colleagues from across campus that I would otherwise never work with.
    Paul McKimmy

    Paul McKimmy

    2020-21 SEC Chair


University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
Mānoa Faculty Senate

2500 Campus Road

Hawai‘i Hall, Rm. 208

Honolulu, HI 96822

John Kinder

Senate Staff / Administrative Officer

Telephone: (808) 956-7725

campus map