UHELP’s International Elder Law Conference with a Veterans Focus was held at the Hale Koa Hotel November 12th and 13th, 2013. The conference provided training and resources that focused on legal, medical, psychological, ethical and practice issues faced by lawyers, doctors, nurses, social workers and other professionals in providing or accessing benefits and services for older persons and veterans. The conference also provided attendees an opportunity to build closer relationships with other professionals in the field. Special presentations were made by Lt. Colonel Arthurine Jones on issues facing women in the military and as veterans and by University of Hawaii Professor Emerita Beverly Keever on her seven years as a war correspondent in Viet Nam.

Judge Coral Wong Pietsch, United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, Tracey Betts, Director, Honolulu Veterans Administration Regional Office, Dean Michael Allen, Stetson University College of Law, and Lecturer in Law Pamela Harms, Of Counsel, Alston, Hunt, Floyd and Ing

University of Hawaii Professor Emerita Beverly Keever and UH Law Professor James Pietsch

Veterans and military personnel at the conference

Judge Coral Pietsch receives the National Women Veterans United Award
from Lt. Colonel Arthurine Jones |