Training on Sex Discrimination & Sex-Based Violence
Federal and Hawaiʻi State Law require that all University of Hawaiʻi students and employees be provided training on sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating and domestic violence (intimate partner violence), and stalking, including University policies and procedures for identifying and reporting these behaviors and the rights of everyone affected.
Employees likely to witness or receive reports of sexual harassment and sexual violence should receive enhanced training which, at a minimum, includes the requirements of Title IX and University Policy EP 1.204, the proper method for reporting sexual harassment and sexual violence, and the University’s responsibilities for responding to such reports.
Employees must receive Title IX & EP 1.204 training from UH every year. New employees are required to complete a Title IX training within 30 days of hire.
UH provides all Students with Title IX & EP 1.204 training.
The UH Office of EEO/TIX is providing Vector Solutions online training programs for this purpose. Campus Title IX Coordinators and the Office of EEO/TIX also provide live/in-person training, some of which also satisfy training requirements.