Important Note: This training will be replaced. Please return after February 11, 2025, to complete this training requirement.


Access Student Online Training here

Student Online Training FAQs below

Dear Student,

As a member of the University of Hawaiʻi (UH) community, your safety and well-being are our highest priority. The University of Hawaiʻi is committed to addressing issues of sex- and gender-based violence. The instances, contributing factors, and lasting effects of gender-based violence do not exist in a vacuum. In this regard, the entire university community must work together to cultivate and sustain a safe environment in which all members can live, work, and learn safely.

Students, as well as our entire community have important roles to play by being aware of the issues, watching out for one another and reporting violations. I encourage everyone, if you have not already, to take the free, online student training program regarding sex- and gender-based violence.

The Vector Solutions training program is part of a university-wide approach to educate the University community on everyone’s rights and available resources. We hope this training will assist you in understanding your rights under the law and the University Policy & Procedure on Sex Discrimination & Gender-Based Violence. I also encourage you to explore the additional resources available to you on the UH System Title IX & Office of Institutional Equity website

Some of the materials covered in this training course may remind you of upsetting experiences that you, a friend, or family member may have gone through. Please know that you can stop the training at any time, and there are many University and community resources available to you for support, such as counseling, victim advocacy, and legal support.

If you have experienced gender-based harassment or violence, there are several options available depending on the type of assistance you want:

Thank you for your participation. Please enjoy a safe and successful academic year!

David Lassner
UH President

Vector Online Training Student FAQs

No, you can enter and exit the training at any point. The training will automatically track progress and save where the user last left off. If the user experiences any system errors or crashes, the program should save previously completed work.

The Vector sites to login are as follows:

Anyone without a email will use the Guest site. Please contact the appropriate HR representative or Title IX office to be added as a user to the Guest site. Once vetted, HR or Title IX will reach out to the Office of Equity Assurance (OEA) / OIE to create a Guest account for any user.

If you having trouble logging in, please contact OEA / OIE at

Under Hawai‘i law (Act 208), the University of Hawaiʻi is required to make comprehensive Title IX training available to students. The email invitation to take the Sexual Assault Prevention Online Training for Students is part of the University’s systemwide approach to educate you on your rights, responsibilities, and available resources.

In January 2023, the University’s online training service provider merged with another company and moved to a new platform, so all historical training records may not be easily accessible to you, although the Office of Equity Assurance (OEA) / OIE has retained such records. Training completed as of January 2023 will be viewable by going to “Training History” on the Vector Solutions training platform and selecting the time period for which you are searching records. If you need information regarding your training history prior to January 2023, please contact OEA / OIE at

No, training progress and completion data for the archived training is preserved in the UH System Office of Equity Assurance (OEA) / OIE’s records. OEA / OIE, campus Title IX Offices, and various Human Resource departments have access to this data. If you cannot access your training completion certificate and need to request confirmation of training completion, please contact OEA / OIE at

Depending on the type of student training, Vector Solutions estimates the training to be approximately 65 to 75 minutes.

Sexual Assault Prevention is an educational tool for students to learn about sex-discrimination, gender-based violence, and the rights and resources available to them on campus and in the community. The curriculum covers Title IX, VAWA, and relevant Hawaiʻi State law.

This training establishes standards for what constitutes sexual violence and how to respond to problematic situations. Because these problems occur on both an intimate and institutional level, the training takes a look at these issues from a personal and academic lens.

The training covers topics such as Sex-Based Harassment, Sexual Assault, Stalking, Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships, Intimate Partner Violence, Consent, and Reporting.

Login information for the Vector Solutions Training is your student University of Hawaiʻi username and password – same as you use to log into your UH email.

The training is assigned automatically based on enrollment status as documented by the campus Registrar’s Office. If your University of Hawaiʻi login information does not allow access to the training, please email the Office of Institutional Equity at

If you do not have a UH username or login:
Please contact the appropriate Title IX office for approval. Once vetted, Title IX should contact the Office of Equity Assurance / OIE at to add the user to the Guest site.

The Vector training has various accessibility functions to support users with disabilities, including keyboard shortcuts, audio description or media alternative of visuals, video- and audio-only content, closed captions, etc.

Contact Vector Solution’s customer support clicking “Troubleshooting Tips” or “Contact” at the bottom of the screen within the course or by visiting

If you have experienced gender-based harassment or violence, there are several options available depending on the desired type of assistance:

If you want help but are not ready to make a formal report, please contact a confidential resource on your campus to explore your options and receive services from that office:

If you would like to make a formal report, please contact your campus Title IX coordinator.