Our library of educational workshops has been curated to meet the needs of the UH community and is poised to grow as those needs evolve. A listing of the popular training initiatives currently offered by the Office of Equity Assurance / OIE can be found below. Click on the title of each workshop to review the description.

Please note that your campus Title IX Teams may also offer other trainings. Contact your campus Title IX Coordinator for more information. OIE may also partner with your campus Title IX Team to satisfy training requests.

To request a workshop, presentation, or training, please complete our Live Training Request Form.

Allow 3-5 business days for a response. We are happy to do our best to develop a presentation that meets your needs if you do not see something on this list that will work for you.

Live Training Offerings

This training provides participants with an overview of the University of Hawaiʻi’s system-wide policy on sex discrimination and gender-based violence (EP 1.204). Participants will learn about the spectrum of behaviors and language which may implicate sex discrimination and gender-based violence and will be advised of student rights, University obligation, reporting options, as well as campus and community resources, if they experience or observe sex discrimination or gender-based violence within the UH community.

Intended Audience: Students, including undergraduates, graduate students, PhD candidates, PostDocs, medical school students, law school students, part-time students, full-time students, commuters, resident/on-campus students, etc.

Duration: Min. 2 hours

This training provides participants with an overview of the University of Hawaiʻi’s system-wide policy on sex discrimination and gender-based violence (EP 1.204). Participants will learn about the spectrum of behaviors and language which may implicate sex discrimination and gender-based violence and will be advised of employee and student rights, University obligation, reporting options, as well as campus and community resources, if they experience or observe sex discrimination or gender-based violence within the UH community. Employees will be advised of their reporting requirements under State law and University policy. This training will be partly interactive, highlighting case studies in the University context more likely to be encountered by employees, to help prepare attendees for situations in which prompt response will be required.

Intended Audience: Employees at the University of Hawaiʻi, including instructional faculty, lecturers, supervisors, Civil Service, APT, etc.

Duration: Min. 2 hours

Student Employees play an integral role at the University of Hawaiʻi. Because of their dual status as both students and employees, their duties and reporting requirements under University policy on Sex Discrimination & Gender-Based Violence (EP 1.204) may change in different contexts. This training provides participants with an overview of the University of Hawaiʻi’s system-wide policy EP 1.204. Participants will learn about the spectrum of behaviors and language which may implicate sex discrimination and gender-based violence and will be advised of employee and student rights, University obligation, reporting options, as well as campus and community resources, if they experience or observe sex discrimination or gender-based violence within the UH community. Employees will be advised of their reporting requirements under State law and University policy. This training will be partly interactive, highlighting case studies in the University context more likely to be encountered by employees, to help prepare attendees for situations in which prompt response will be required.

Intended Audience: Student Employees, including Graduate Assistants, Teaching Assistants, Research Assistants, and Residential Advisors. Also recommended for student leaders, including Student Government office-holders, RIO Chairs/Presidents, etc.

DurationMin. 2 hours


This training will cover the dynamics of sex discrimination and gender violence. Particular emphasis will be placed on employee obligations and University procedure under the institution’s system-wide interim policy on sex discrimination and gender-based violence (EP 1.204).  The training will also highlight case studies in the University context more likely to be encountered by employees who work in Title IX compliance, to help prepare attendees for situations in which prompt response will be required. This training is designed primarily for University employees in Title IX or related departments.

Intended Audience: Title IX Coordinators and Deputy Coordinators; Campus Security/Public Safety officers; Confidential Title IX Advocates and Resources; Title IX Process Advocates; Community Resource Advocates specializing in Intimate Partner Violence, Sexual Violence, Stalking, etc.

Duration: Min. 6-8 hours

This training will cover the fundamental dynamics of intimate partner violence (dating & domestic violence) and address the legal requirements as mandated by federal and state law and university policy (Interim EP 1.204). Particular emphasis will be placed on the rights and protections afforded to students and employees impacted by intimate partner violence, including advocacy, interim measures, and accommodations. The training will also provide general knowledge and skill development for participants to better assist students and employees and identify campus and community resources for referral and support.

Intended Audience: All students, faculty, and staff

Duration: Min. 2 hours

This training will build on DV/IPV 101 by covering the fundamental dynamics of intimate partner violence (dating & domestic violence) and addressing the legal requirements as mandated by federal and state law and university policy (Interim EP 1.204). Particular emphasis will be placed on the safety considerations, interventions, and employee rights (Act 206 (2011)). The training will also provide general knowledge and skill development for participants to better assist students and employees with safety planning and Act 206 accommodations for victims of intimate partner violence, sexual assault, and stalking.

Intended Audience: Title IX teams and HR staff. Previous DV/IPV training by the Office of Equity Assurance (OEA) / OIE is required.

Duration: Min. 2 hours