Sexual Exploitation is violating the sexual privacy of another, or taking unjust or abusive sexual advantage of another, without Consent, and when such behavior does not otherwise constitute Sexual Assault.
Sexual Exploitation includes but is not limited to:
• Photographing or taping someone involved in sexual activity, sexual intercourse/penetration, or in a state of undress, without their knowledge or Consent
• Sharing photographs or video/audio of someone involved in sexual activity, intercourse/penetration, or in a state of undress, without their knowledge or Consent
• Watching someone currently involved in sexual activity without their knowledge or Consent
• Allowing others to watch sexual activity without knowledge or Consent from all parties involved
• Exposing one’s intimate parts, such as genitalia, groin, breast and/or buttocks to someone without their Consent.
• Engaging in sexual activity in public and being witnessed by a non-consenting person
• Tampering with a drink, intending to impair a person’s ability to withhold Consent or knowingly Consent to sexual activity, regardless of whether sexual activity actually takes place
Sexual exploitation is prohibited conduct under the University’s Sex Based Misconduct Policy EP 1.204 (effective February 1, 2023).