Pacific Educational Research Journal

The Pacific Educational Research Journal invites original manuscripts featuring theoretical, empirical, or applied research with (a) implications for the education of populations indigenous to the Pacific and the Pacific Rim or (b) relevance to educational issues specific to the Pacific area.

Sponsorship: Hawai‘i Educational Research Association

Subscription price (individual): $15.00
Institutional subscription: $20.00
Free to HERA members (annual HERA membership: $15.00)

Manuscript length: 6-20 pages
Copies required: one via online submission at
Type of review: blind (2 reviewers)


Manuscripts not identifying the author(s) should be submitted via as .doc or .docx in US letter format. Manuscript should conform with the guidelines in Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition, 2010); margins should be 1″ all around. Manuscripts that do not conform substantially to APA style may be returned unreviewed. Footnotes are not permitted. If accepted, figures will be requested as .jpg or .png files. For special cases, contact the editor before submitting a manuscript.


Please note that 2019 was not published due to COVID-19.

Open call for manuscripts: November 1, 2017 to August 15, 2021
Deadline for manuscripts: August 15, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. HST
Notification of acceptance: September 20, 2021
Revisions due: November 30, 2021
Publication date: December 30, 2021

For more information, contact Editor Truc Nguyen at




Interim Editor: Thanh Truc Nguyen

Associate Editors: Kathleen Berg, Chuck Giuli, Thanh Truc Nguyen

Editorial Advisory Board Members

  • James Campbell, St. Johns University
  • Mark Gall, University of Oregon
  • Celia Genishi, Columbia University
  • Kenji Hakuta, Stanford University
  • Morris Lai, University of Hawaii
  • Valerie O. Pang, San Diego State University
  • Samuel Peng, National Center for Educational Statistics
  • Michael Scriven, Claremont Graduate School
  • Christine Sleeter, California State University at Monterey Bay
  • Louis Yamauchi, University of Hawaii
  • Donald Young, University of Hawaii