Annual Conference

HERA presents an annual conference at the beginning of each calendar year. The annual conference date is generally on a Saturday.


Session: approximately 25-minute presentation of completed research; one of two papers in a 50-minute session
Symposium: 50-minute session on a particular topic or theme involving prepared remarks, debate, and/or discussion by three or more presenters
Poster: A 45-minute general poster session


Submit a 400-700 word summary of your presentation or symposium.
Submit a 200-400 word summary of your poster.
Remove all identifiable information from the proposal.
Include as many of the following as are applicable:

  1. objectives or purposes,
  2. perspective(s) or theoretical framework,
  3. methods, techniques, or modes of inquiry
  4. data sources or evidence,
  5. results and/or conclusions/point of view, and
  6. educational or scientific importance of study

The deadline for proposals is Wednesday, December 4, 2019 at 4 p.m. Hawai‘i Standard Time.


The proposals for the conference are blind, peer reviewed. Average number of submissions in the last five years is 42. Average acceptance rate in the last five years is 85%. A call for reviewers is sent out to the HERA membership each year. Reviewers are selected based on their expertise and assigned proposals that are in their area of interest and expertise. Proposals are sent to three peer reviewers without any author information. Peer reviewers make one of four determinations.

  • Accept, with or without revisions
  • Type Change Accept, with a change to a different type of presentation (symposium, session, poster)
  • Conditional Accept, invite the presenters to revise their description to address specific concerns before a final decision is reached
  • Reject, typically on grounds of lack of connection to education in Hawai‘i and/or the Pacific, insufficient educational or scientific importance, or major perspective/theoretical framework and interpretational problems


  • Regular Registration is $80 for members and $100 for non members.
  • Late Registration is $130 for both members and non members
