Windows: McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.5 with patch 8, scan engine 5300 available

SUMMARY: Windows: McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.5 with patch 8, scan engine 5300 available
POSTED ON: 08/07/2009
REPORTER: Jocelyn Kasamoto (jocelyn)
START TIME: Jul 15 02:11 PM
END TIME: Sep 30 12:00 AM
DESCRIPTION: For UH faculty, staff, and students using McAfee VirusScan products on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows server 2003, and Windows server 2008

New VirusScan Enterprise 8.5 UH Installer
For those with new Windows computers, a new VirusScan Enterprise (VSE) 8.5 UH installer has been created which includes patch 8, scan engine 5300 and updated Common Management Agent (CMA) Download the new UH installer (uhvse85p8.exe) from or obtain a copy of the ITS CD ROM.

Scan engine 5300 for McAfee VirusScan products supports incremental engine updates. Incremental engine technology allows for faster and better detection of new malware. The current incremental scan engine is 5301.4018.

Patch 8 is the currently supported patch level for VSE 8.5. DAT files and scan engines are supported (tested) with the current anti-virus version and patch level.

Patch 8 resolves these issues:
Search for KB60415, "Release Notes for VirusScan Enterprise 8.5i Patch 8 (Readme.txt)".

For Windows computers installed with older versions/patch levels of VSE or anti-virus products from other vendors, you must UNINSTALL the anti-virus product first, REBOOT, then install the newer VSE 8.5 with patch 8.

Go to for installation instructions.

VSE 8.0 End of Support on Dec. 31, 2009
If you have VSE 8.0 installed, it is strongly recommended that you upgrade to the newer VSE 8.5 version. VSE 8.0 does not support incremental scan engine technology.

Get Help
If you have questions or need assistance, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 956-8883, email, or call (800) 558-2669 toll free from the neighbor islands.